Starting IBM WebSphere Application Server (Linux, UNIX)
Follow this procedure to start the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server services in a Linux® or UNIX installation.
Before you begin
If you did not configure file descriptor resources for WebSphere Application Server before you installed IBM InfoSphere® Information Server, make sure that WebSphere Application Server is stopped and configure your managed nodes as described in Configuring file descriptor resources for IBM WebSphere Application Server (Linux).
If you did not unset the LDR_CNTRL variable before you installed IBM InfoSphere Information Server, make sure that WebSphere Application Server is stopped and configure your cluster computers as described in Configuring memory allocation for IBM WebSphere Application Server (AIX).
Do either of the following tasks, depending upon whether
you have a stand-alone or clustered configuration:
- Starting a WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile or Network Deployment stand-alone configuration:
- Note: Do not start the application server from a session where the dsenv file is sourced. If the services and engine tier are on the same computer, ensure that the dsenv file is not sourced in the terminal window session before starting WebSphere Application Server by using the script. Else, start a new terminal session to start WebSphere Application Server by using the script.
- Log in to the computer that hosts the services tier. Use the following
- If you configured WebSphere Application Server for non-root administration, use the credentials for the non-root user that is configured to administer WebSphere Application Server.
- If you did not configure WebSphere Application Server in this manner, log in as root.
- Run the following commands:
cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin ./ run
Note: TheAlternatively, if you want to embed this script in another script, use the start command to launch the start process in the background:run
argument echoes all output to the console.
If you configured WebSphere Application Server for non-root administration, you can use this line in your script:cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin ./ start
where wasadmin is the non-root user that is configured to administer WebSphere Application Server./usr/bin/su - wasadmin -c "/opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin/ start"
- Even though the WebSphere Application Server status might show as Started within the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console, it might still not be available for use by InfoSphere Information Server until the InfoSphere Information Server applications are fully initialized. To verify that WebSphere Application Server has started, monitor the log files. See Checking the status of IBM WebSphere Application Server startup (stand-alone installation).
- Log in to the computer that hosts the services tier. Use the following
- Starting a clustered WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment configuration:
- Start the Deployment Manager. See Starting the IBM WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager (Linux, UNIX).
- Log in to each node. Use the same credentials that you used to log in to the Deployment Manager node.
- On each node, run the startNode command to
start the node agent:
where Custom01 is the WebSphere Application Server custom profile that hosts a node of the IBM InfoSphere Information Server cluster. Control returns to the command line when the node agent startup is complete./opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Custom01/bin/
- Log in to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
- In the console navigation tree, click Note: Depending upon your WebSphere Application Server version, you might need to click to access the Server Cluster page.
. The Server Cluster
page appears.
- Select the cluster.
- Click Start. This command starts the server process of each member of the cluster. To do so, it calls the node agent for each server to start the application servers. After all application servers are running, the state of the cluster changes to running. If the call to a node agent for an application server fails, the application server does not start.
- Even though the status returned by the serverStatus command indicates STARTED, it might still not be available for use by InfoSphere Information Server until the InfoSphere Information Server applications are fully initialized. To verify that WebSphere Application Server has started, monitor the log files. See Checking the status of IBM WebSphere Application Server startup (clustered installation).