Time with microsecond resolution (Java Integration stage)
Time data type of DataStage® Parallel Engine can have microsecond resolution, but the java.sql.Time has only millisecond resolution. As a result the last three digits of microseconds are truncated. The truncation also occurs when propagating columns from an input link to an output link. To avoid the truncation, the Java™ Integration stage API provides a class com.ibm.is.cc.javastage.api.TimeMicroseconds that preserves the time value to the microseconds specification.
The com.ibm.is.cc.javastage.api.TimeMicroseconds class inherits java.sql.Time and has microsecond resolution as well as hour, minute, and second. The microseconds are not truncated when propagating columns from an input link to an output link. If you wants to write the data with microseconds resolution to the output link, use this class.
For more information on the TimeMicroseconds class, see the Javadoc information for the Java Integration stage API.