SessionAdmin command

The Session Administration service is used to manage and monitor the active InfoSphere® Information Server sessions. You must have suite administrator authority to run the SessionAdmin command.


The SessionAdmin command is in the following locations:

  • Linux cue graphicUNIX cue graphic
  • Windows cue graphic


	[-{verbose | v}]
	[-{results | res} value ]
	[-{log | l} value ]
	[-{logerror | error} value ]
	[-{loginfo | info} value ]
	[-{loglevel | level} value ]
	[-{help | ?} ]
	[-{url | url} value ]
	[-{host | h} value ]
	[-{port | p} value ]
	[-{user | ur} value ]
	[-{password | pw} value ]
	[-{authfile | af} value ]
	[-{list-user-sessions | lus}]
	[-{list-system-sessions | lss}]
	[-{kill-user-sessions | kus} ]
	[-{kill-system-sessions | kss}]
	[-{kill-session | ks} ]*	
	[-{get-maint-mode | gmm}]
	[-{set-maint-mode | smm} value ]
	[-{auto_update | au} value]


[-{verbose | v}]
Display detailed runtime output, except for the runtime logging messages.
[-{results | res} value ]
Print all the enabled runtime output to the specified file.
[-{log | l} value ]
Print the runtime logging messages to the specified file. This option is used with loglevel.
[-{logerror | error} value ]
Print all ERROR and FATAL runtime logging messages to the specified file.
[-{loginfo | info} value ]
print all INFO, WARN, DEBUG, and TRACE runtime logging messages to the specified file.
[-{loglevel | level} value]
The level at which runtime logging messages are enabled.
[-{help | ?} ]
Displays the usage message.
[-{url | url}value ]
Server URL in the protocol://host:port format. The protocol can be HTTP or HTTPS. However, the default product installation requires HTTPS as the protocol.
An example URL is https://localhost:9443.
Use this option instead of -host and -port options to specify the InfoSphere Information Server to connect to.
[-{host | h} value ]
The host name of the InfoSphere Information Server. This option is deprecated. Use the -url option instead.
[-{port | p} value ]
The port number of the InfoSphere Information Server. This option is deprecated. Use the -url option instead.
[-{user | ur} value ]
The administrator user ID to run this command. If not specified and if the -authfile parameter is not specified, you are prompted for a user ID.
[-{password | pw} value ]
The password of the administrator user ID specified in the -user parameter. This parameter cannot be specified without the -user parameter. If the -user parameter is specified without the -password parameter, you are prompted for a password.
[-{authfile | af} value ]
The path for the credentials file that contains the administrator user ID and password to run this command. If the -user parameter is also specified, the credentials file is ignored and you are prompted for a password.
[-{list-user-sessions | lus}]
List all the user sessions, such as in the following example. (The ⇒ character indicates a line continuation.)
<admin><5a795986-52a1-426f-8579-8c7af5d3e324><Fri Aug 09 14:55:08 CEST ⇒
2013><Fri Aug 09 14:55:08 CEST 2013><><WEB>

The format is as follows:

<session owner ID><session ID><session creation date><session update date><hostname or IP address of the system><client type of the session>

<session owner ID>
The user ID of the owner or creator of the session.
<session ID>
The unique session ID.
<session creation date>
The date of creation of the session.
<session update date>
The date when the last session update was made.
<hostname or IP address of the system>
The hostname or IP address of the system from where the session was created.
<client type of the session>
The client type of the session. This information indicates the tool that was used to create the session.
[-{list-system-sessions | lss}]
List all system sessions in the following format: <session owner ID><session ID><session creation date><session update date><hostname or IP address of the system><client type of the session>.
[-{kill-user-sessions | kus} ]
Terminate all user sessions. You must specify the ID of the user session to be terminated.
[-{kill-system-sessions | kss}]
Terminate all the system sessions. You must specify the ID of the system session to be terminated.
[-{kill-session | ks} ]*
Terminate the specified session. You must specify the ID of the session to be terminated. You can specify this parameter multiple times. This parameter cannot be used with any of the other options.
[-{get-maint-mode | gmm}]
Display the current maintenance mode setting.
[-{set-maint-mode | smm} value ]
Set the maintenance mode. Acceptable values are ON or OFF.
[-{auto_update | au} value]
Automatically update new sessions in the specified frequency (in seconds). You must use this option with any of the list options. When you use -auto_update with one of the list options, the current session is listed and the list is updated periodically with new sessions that are added.