AppServerAdmin command

If you change the administration credentials of the application server or the repository credentials, use the AppServerAdmin command to update the new credentials across your configuration.


The AppServerAdmin command is in the following locations:
  • Linux cue graphicUNIX cue graphicIS_install_path/ASBServer/bin/
  • Windows cue graphicIS_install_path\ASBServer\bin\AppServerAdmin.bat

Primary options

The AppServerAdmin command has the following options:
-was option
If you change the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server administrator user name and password, this command updates the user name and password throughout the WebSphere Application Server configuration.

This option applies only to a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment stand-alone installation. It does not apply to a clustered installation or to WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile.

You can change the stand-alone WebSphere Application Server administrator user name and password in the following cases:
  • If you change the WebSphere Application Server user registry configuration in the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console and the server ID and password for the current user registry is changed or a new user registry is configured.
  • If the WebSphere Application Server administrator is deleted from the user registry or if that user's password is changed or expired.
You must run the -was option each time the stand-alone WebSphere Application Server default administrator credentials are changed.
-db option
The repository user credentials are used by the application server to connect to the IBM InfoSphere® Information Server metadata repository. The user account for the metadata repository is typically called "xmeta." If you change the repository user password, this command updates the password throughout the application server and the InfoSphere Information Server configuration, irrespective of the database used.
You must run this command each time the repository user password is changed.
You cannot specify a new user name for the metadata repository with this command. The user name must match the schema of the database.
-dbs option
The staging repository user credentials are used by the application server to connect to the IBM InfoSphere Information Server metadata staging repository. The user account for the metadata staging repository is typically called "xmetasr." If you change the staging repository user password, this command updates the password throughout the application server and the InfoSphere Information Server configuration, irrespective of the database used.
You must run this command each time the staging repository user password is changed.
You cannot specify a new user name for the staging repository with this command. The user name must match the schema of the database.

Password prompting

To avoid the display of passwords, you can either provide an encrypted password with the -password option, or you can run the command without the -password option. Without this option, you are prompted to provide a password (which is not displayed). You will be asked to provide the password again for verification. To provide an encrypted password, use the string generated from the encrypt command.

Full syntax

  [-{verbose | v}]
  [-{results | res} value ]
  [-{log | l} value ]
  [-{logerror | error} value ]
  [-{loginfo | info} value ]
  [-{loglevel | level} value ]
  [-{help | ?} ]
  [-{changeWasUserInfo | was}]
  [-{changeDbUserInfo | db}]
  [-{changeDbStagingUserInfo | dbs}]
  [-{test | t}]
  [-{password | pw} value ]
  [-{waitDatabase | w}]
  [-{time | tm} value ]
  [-{password | pw} value ]
  [-{user | ur} value]
  [-{waitServer | wsvr} value]


[-{verbose | v}]
Display detailed runtime output, except for the runtime logging messages.
[-{results | res} value ]
Print all the enabled runtime output to the specified file.
[-{log | l} value ]
Print the runtime logging messages to the specified file. This option is used with loglevel.
[-{logerror | error} value ]
Print all ERROR and FATAL runtime logging messages to the specified file.
[-{loginfo | info} value ]
print all INFO, WARN, DEBUG, and TRACE runtime logging messages to the specified file.
[-{loglevel | level} value]
The level at which runtime logging messages are enabled.
[-{help | ?} ]
Displays the usage message.
[-{changeWasUserInfo | was}]
Updates the new user credentials throughout the WebSphere Application Server configuration. WebSphere Application Server does not need to be up and running to run this command. If WebSphere Application Server is running, it must be restarted after this command is run.
The new WebSphere Application Server user name.
Optional. The new password of the WebSphere Application Server user. You can provide the password as plain text or as a string that has been encrypted with the encrypt command. You will be prompted for a password if one is not provided.
[-{changeDbUserInfo | db}]
Updates the new user password throughout the application server configuration and the InfoSphere Information Server configuration irrespective of the database used. The application server does not need to be up and running to run this command. If the application server is running, it must be restarted after you run this command.
The repository user name, which matches the schema name. You cannot change the user name with this command.
Optional. The new password of the repository user. You can provide the password as plain text or as a string that has been encrypted with the encrypt command. You will be prompted for a password if one is not provided.
 [-{changeDbStagingUserInfo | dbs}]
Updates the new user password throughout the application server configuration and the InfoSphere Information Server configuration irrespective of the database used. The application server does not need to be up and running to run this command. If the application server is running, it must be restarted after you run this command.
The staging repository user name, which matches the schema name. You cannot change the user name with this command.
Optional. The new password of the staging repository user. You can provide the password as plain text or as a string that has been encrypted with the encrypt command. You will be prompted for a password if one is not provided.
[-{test | t} ]
Test connection to the Metadata Server and its repository.
[-{waitDatabase | w}]
Wait for the SQL repository to be available.
 [-{time | tm} ]
Time in minutes to wait.
[-{password | pw} ]
Password for the user.
[-{user | ur} ] 
User ID of the user.
[-{waitServer | wsvr}]
 Wait for the application server to be available and fully initialized.