Assigning the IBM InfoSphere Information Server administrator role to a user
Use the following command to add the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server Suite Administrator role to a user. Only use this command if you are fixing your user registry configuration, or if it is specified in other procedures in the documentation.
The application server does not have to be running to run
this command unless the -checkid option is also used.

DirectoryAdmin.bat -user -userid username -admin [-checkid] -user -userid username -admin [-checkid]
The following parameters are available for the DirectoryAdmin command.- -user
- The command line option that specifies that this task is to work with users.
- -userid username
- Specifies the name of the user that you want to make a Suite Administrator.
Note that the user ID syntax differs depending on the type of user
registry that is configured in the application server.
- Local OS on UNIX
- Provide the UNIX user ID, such as "isadmin."
- Local OS on Windows
- COMPUTER_NAME\userid, such as MYSERVER\isadmin where MYSERVER is the name of the Microsoft Windows computer. If the Microsoft Windows computer is registered in a domain, the syntax might also be DOMAIN_NAME\userid. The name must be uppercase.
- The full distinguished name (DN) must be provided in the proper case. For more information on retrieving the DN, refer to LDAP distinguished name (DN) determination.
Note: To add users with long and composed user IDs, such as LDAP fully qualified names, surround the user IDs with double quotation marks when using the command. - -admin
- Assigns the InfoSphere Information Server Suite Administrator role to the user.
- -checkid
- (Optional) Ensures that the given user ID exists before applying the Suite Administrator role to that user.