Configuring IBM InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog

You must configure some settings before you start using InfoSphere® Information Governance Catalog.

Before you begin

The IBM® InfoSphere Information Server suite administrator must assign security roles to InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog users.

You must have the InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog Glossary Administrator or Information Asset Administrator role.


  1. Optional: On the services tier, run the following command to set the value of the HTTP header X-Frame-Options for Information Governance Catalog responses. The default value is SAMEORIGIN, which prevents cross-frame scripting attacks.
    AIX® Linux®
    cd IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin
    ./ -set -key -value <value>
    cd IS_install_path\ASBServer\bin
    iisAdmin.bat -set -key -value <value>
  2. On the engine tier, edit the following file and add a sufficient timeout limit, for example for 10 minutes (specified in milliseconds).
    AIX Linux

    This timeout parameter setting will enable you to import large files by using istool. If the parameter is not set to a high enough value, the import fails with a Read timed out message. Increase the value if you receive this message.

  3. If you intend to run lineage reports from IBM Cognos®, you must change the Cognos Metadata Information Service URI. See for more information.
  4. Assign security roles to InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog users. This step must be done by the InfoSphere Information Server suite administrator.
  5. On Microsoft Windows Server 2008, disable the Enhanced Internet Security feature for Internet Explorer. This feature must be disabled for certain InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog features to run correctly.
    1. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager.
    2. In the Server Manager window, expand the Security Information section and click Configure IE ESC.
    3. In the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration window, under Administrators, click the Off radio button and then click OK.
  6. Log in to InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog as a user with the Information Governance Catalog Glossary Administrator or Information Asset Administrator role.
    1. Click Administration.
    2. Expand Setup.
      • Click Display Options to configure how to display properties that have no values.
      • Click Information Asset Type Display to configure which asset types to display.
      • Click General Settings to configure your settings.
    3. Return to the Administration Home page.
    4. Expand Catalog Management.
      • Click Catalog Permissions to restrict or grant access to glossary content in the catalog.
      • Click Workflow to support an approval process to update and create glossary content before it is published to the catalog.
  7. Optional: Configure support for international languages and for bidirectional language support.