Writing data to a z/OS file

Configure the z/OS® File stage to connect to a z/OS file on the Classic federation data server and write data to it.

Before you begin

Complete these prerequisite tasks:
  • Verify that the z/OS File stage is configured properly.
  • Verify that the user name that connects to the Classic federation data server has DBADM authority.

About this task

The following figure shows an example of using the z/OS File stage to write data. Here the Complex Flat File stage reassembles the data into a record so that it can be passed on to the z/OS File stage.
Figure 1. Writing data to a z/OS file
A Sequential File stage passes records to the Complex Flat File stage, which passes the data to the z/OS File stage.


To write data to an IBM® z/OS file, complete these tasks:

  1. Creating a job that includes the z/OS File stage and required links.
  2. Configuring the Complex Flat File stage for use in a z/OS File stage job
  3. Defining a connection to the Classic federation server.
  4. Specifying the write mode.
  5. Compiling and running a job.