Using UniData Stages
You can use a UniData stage to extract or write data, or to act as an intermediate file in a job. Each UniData stage can have any number of inputs or outputs.
When you edit a UniData stage, the UniData Stage dialog box opens. This dialog box can have up to three pages (depending on whether there are inputs to and outputs from the stage):
- Stage. Displays the name of the stage you are editing. The General tab defines the data source name. You can add text to describe the purpose of the stage in the Description field. The NLS tab defines a character set map to use with the stage if NLS is enabled.
- Inputs. This page is displayed only if you have an input link to the stage. Specifies the data file to use and the associated column definitions for each data input link. This page also specifies how data is written to the data file.
- Outputs. This page is displayed only if you have an output link to the stage. Specifies the data file to use and the associated column definitions for each data output link.