Terminology Used in Informix Load Stages

The Informix® terms used in this document are explained below.

before-link and after-link routines
A user-specified external routine or process that performs an action before or after all link-related activities for a specific link, for example, cleaning tables before bulk loading.
Bulk Load stage
A passive stage whose role in an IBM® InfoSphere® DataStage® job is to take streams of tabular data and load them into tables of a target database.
control file
A file of commands for bulk loading one or more tables from a single link.
data file
An ASCII file of row/column data from an input link that is to be loaded.
local bulk loading
Bulk loading that occurs when both the InfoSphere DataStage job and Informix server are on the same physical machine.
remote bulk loading
Bulk loading that occurs when both the InfoSphere DataStage job and Informix server are on different physical machines.
The Informix database to which you connect in order to use the Informix Load stage.
