Message ID format for the Logger class
The Logger class ( logs
messages in the IIS-categoryID-componentID-messageNumber
IIS is the prefix for InfoSphere® Information Server. categoryID is the category of the component that produces the message. CONN is the categoryID for connectors, including the Java™ Integration stage. componentID is the component throwing the message. messageNumber is a positive integer for the message.
The following table contains a list of event types and the predefined message IDs in the Java Integration stage.
Method | Event type | Message ID |
Logger.debug(String message) | Informational | IIS-CONN-JAVA-00011 |
Logger.information(String message) | Informational | IIS-CONN-JAVA-00012 |
Logger.warning(String message) | Warning | IIS-CONN-JAVA-00013 |
Logger.fatal(String message) | Fatal | IIS-CONN-JAVA-00015 |