Installing the ODBC client

Install the ODBC client to connect InfoSphere® Information Server to the InfoSphere Classic Federation Server for z/OS®.

About this task

The following list contains the ODBC client installation programs:
  • cac95ax – IBM® AIX®
  • cac95zlx – SuSE Linux on IBM System z®
  • cac95win.exe – Microsoft Windows

To install the ODBC client:


  1. On IBM InfoSphere Information Server, log in as a user with administrator authority (user root on UNIX and Linux).

    A non-root user can also install the client programs, but can update and uninstall only that user's instance.

  2. Run the installation wizard.

    If you do not use the default installation path, ensure that the directory you choose does not contain prior versions of the ODBC client.

    The default installation paths are as follows:

      Linux:  /opt/ibm/wsclassic95
      UNIX:  /opt/IBM/wsclassic95
      Microsoft Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\WSClassic95

    If you install the client programs as a non-root user on UNIX or Linux, the default installation path is $HOME/wsclassic95.

    Method Steps
    From CD
    Microsoft Windows:
    1. Insert the Classic ODBC/CLI and JDBC client CD.
    2. If autorun is enabled, the wizard will start automatically. If the wizard does not start, you can launch the wizard from a command prompt.
    UNIX and Linux:
    1. Insert and mount the Classic ODBC/CLI and JDBC client CD.
    2. Start the wizard by using the installation program that corresponds to the operating system..
    1. On your system, create a temporary directory with at least 150 MB of free space.
    2. Download the installation program that corresponds to the operating system into the temporary directory.
    3. On Linux and UNIX systems, add execute permission to the installation program.
    4. Start the wizard using the installation program that corresponds to the operating system.
      • Microsoft Windows:
      • UNIX and Linux:
        chmod 755 ./cac95xx ./cac95xx


If you need to troubleshoot an install session, log information is available:

Microsoft Windows:


For a more detailed debugging log, you can rerun the installation program with the following options:

cac95wn.exe -is:log full_pathname_of_logfile -debug



For a more detailed debugging log, you can rerun the installation program with the following options (AIX korn shell redirection syntax is used as an example):

cac95ax -is:javaconsole -debug >full_pathname_of_logfile 2>&1