Functionality of Informix CLI Stages

The Informix CLI stage supports stream input, stream output, and reference output links.

Informix CLI has the following functionality:

  • Stream input, stream output, and reference output links.
  • The ability to use the Derivation field to specify fully qualified column names for output links. (If the ODBC stage precedes the Informix CLI stage in a job flow, you can also use the Derivation field to specify fully qualified column names for input links.)
  • The ability to import table and column definitions from the target Informix database and store them in the IBM® InfoSphere® DataStage® repository.
  • NLS (National Language Support).
  • Reject row handling.
  • File names to contain your SQL statements.
  • Stored procedures.
  • Data browsing, which is the ability to use the custom GUI for the stage to view sample native table data residing on the target Informix database.

The following functionality is not supported:

  • Bulk loading of Informix tables from stream input. Continue to use either the Informix or Informix XPS loaders for bulk loading into an Informix database.
  • Replacing the ODBC stage. The Informix CLI stage does not replace the ODBC stage. Users who created jobs by using the ODBC stage to access an Informix database might continue to run these jobs.
  • Non-ANSI SQL constructs in stage-generated SQL statements.
  • Version-specific SQL constructs in stage-generated SQL statements.
  • Text and byte data types.