Configuring the Cognos TM1 connector
Before you can use the Cognos® TM1® connector, you must install and configure the Cognos TM1 client package on the InfoSphere® Information Server engine tier.
- Install the Cognos TM1 API component from the Cognos TM1 client package:
Option Description Microsoft Windows Copy the file from TM1_installation_directory/bin/classes/TM1JavaAPI.jar to IS_installation_directory/Server/DSComponents/bin directory. Other platforms - Copy the file TM1_installation_directory/bin/classes/TM1JavaAPI.jar from Cognos TM1 server machine to IBM® InfoSphere Information Server Engine tier machine and locate the file under IS_installation_directory/Server/DSComponents/bin directory.
- Copy the file TM1_installation_directory\bin\ssl\applixca.pem from Cognos TM1 server machine to IBM InfoSphere Information Server Engine tier machine.
- Import the IBM Cognos TM1 certificate into the keystore of the InfoSphere DataStage®. The InfoSphere DataStage keystore file is ASBNode/conf/iis-ds-truststore.jks.
- On the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier computer, open a command prompt.
- Change the directory to IIS installation_directory/jdk/bin.
- Enter the following IBM Developer
Kit for the Java™ Platform Keytool
command to import the Cognos TM1 certificate:
keytool.exe -import -file TM1_installation_directory\bin\ssl\applixca.pem -keystore IIS_installation_directory/ASBNode/conf/iis-ds-truststore.jks -storepass truststore password
- Create a property file that stores truststore password.
- Encrypt the truststore password by using the IIS_installation_directory/ASBNode/bin/ file or encrypt.bat file.
- Create the IIS_installation_directory/ASBNode/conf/ file
in a plain text format and add the following line: password=truststore
password. Where truststore password is an encrypted version of the password that is specified as the value for the -storepass parameter for the keytool import command.
- If the Cognos TM1 server is configured with Integrated Windows authentication login,
Option Description Windows Set the environment variables for the system, and then restart the ASB agent and DSRPC services. Linux® or UNIX Set the environment variables in the dsenv file, and then restart the ASB agent and DSRPC services.