Configuring the Cassandra connector as a target
To configure a Cassandra connector stage to write data to a Cassandra table, you must specify the target table in Connection properties.
- On the job design canvas, double-click Cassandra Connector stage, and then click the Stage tab.
- Define connection to Cassandra database (described in Connecting to a Cassandra data source).
- Click the Properties tab, and, in the Usage section specify additional settings specific for the write operation.
In the Modification type property, you need to specify which type of
operation should be performed on input data:
- Insert and Update – in case of Cassandra insert and update are equivalent operations. In both case the row is created if it does not exists or updated if it already does. However, there is one difference, in case of Insert operation it is possible to use JSON formatted value to store the entire row using JSON support for INSERT in Cassandra. To use this capability, you must set Use JSON encoded map for a single row property to Yes. If you select something different than Insert operation, the property for using JSON is disabled.
- Delete columns – delete values in columns specified in the input link. It is not possible to delete value in primary key (partition key and clustering columns).
- Delete entire rows – entire rows are removed for records identified by the primary key.
- Options: Save null values – determines if null values coming from input links should be stored in the database as nulls. In that case in the database a tombstone is created for each modification with null value. If you want to avoid this, select Yes for this property, but the target database must also support Unset operation that enables skipping of null column values while modifying the data.
- Click Ok and Save the job.