Placing IBM InfoSphere Information Server in maintenance mode

When you do routine maintenance of InfoSphere® Information Server such as applying a fix pack or backing up the system, you can place the InfoSphere Information Server in maintenance mode. To prevent users from authenticating to IBM® InfoSphere Information Server during maintenance, you can place it into maintenance mode by using the SessionAdmin command.

Before you begin

You must have suite administrator authority.

About this task

When IBM InfoSphere Information Server is placed in maintenance mode, users who do not have the suite administrator authority are prevented from logging in to the server. All user sessions on the server are then disconnected to prevent any activity on the system during maintenance. The SessionAdmin is in the following location:
  • Linux cue graphicUNIX cue graphic
  • Windows cue graphic
Specify the host name and port number where the product is installed. Also, specify your administrator user name and password that allows you to run this command on the server. Instead of specifying the -user and -password options, you can use the -authfile option.


  1. Close all active products sessions by issuing the following command:

    SessionAdmin -url https://server_hostname:server_port -user username -password plaintext_password -kill-user-sessions

  2. Place the product in maintenance mode by issuing the following command:

    SessionAdmin -url https://server_hostname:server_port -user username -password plaintext_password -set-maint-mode ON

  3. Take the product out of maintenance mode by issuing the following command:

    SessionAdmin -url https://server_hostname:server_port -user username -password plaintext_password -set-maint-mode OFF

  4. Determine the current maintenance mode of the product by using the following command:

    SessionAdmin -url https://server_hostname:server_port -user username -password plaintext_password -get-maint-mode