Installing IBM Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere Information Server

Use IBM® Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere® Information Server (ISA Lite for InfoSphere Information Server) to run diagnostic tests and generate reports that confirm the stability of the installation environment.

Because ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server is updated frequently, it is important to use the latest version of the tool.

Download and install the latest version of ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server. For details on downloading and installing the tool, see Downloading the ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server tool.
Note: If you already have ISALite installed, verify that it's the latest version. To verify the version that you have installed:
  • On Linux® and Unix computers, issue the ./ -version command from the install_dir/ISALite directory.
  • On Windows computers, issue the runISALite.bat -version command from the install_dir\ISALite directory.
Verify the version number by looking for the string IBM ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server:. The version number can be found after the colon. For example, IBM ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server: S9.1.007.5. If a newer version of the tool is available, download and install the latest version of ISALite. See the download page or the IBM Support Assistant Lite for Information Server User’s Guide for details on downloading and installing the tool. The IBM Support Assistant Lite for Information Server User’s Guide can be found on the web page referenced above, or it can be found by going to the following directory on your computer:
Table 1. The location of the ISALite User's Guide
Operating system Directory
AIX®, HP-UX install_dir/ISALite/doc
Linux install_dir/ISALite/doc
Linux on System z® install_dir/ISALite/doc
Windows install_dir\ISALite\doc
z/OS® install_dir/ISALite/doc