Generating the Diagnostic Health Checker reports

Use IBM® Support Assistant Lite for InfoSphere® Information Server (ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server) to check the health of the system and to generate a system topology map.

  1. For Linux® or Unix users, log in as the root or sudo root. Windows users should log in as an administrator.
  2. Start ISALite for InfoSphere Information Server.
  3. Follow the instructions in the IBM Support Assistant Lite for Information Server User’s Guide to select the General Diagnostic Health Checker collection.
    The IBM Support Assistant Lite for Information Server User’s Guide can be found in the following directory:
    Table 1. The directory where you can find the ISALite User's Guide
    Operating system Directory
    AIX® install_dir/ISALite/doc
    Linux install_dir/ISALite/doc
    Windows install_dir\ISALite\doc
    After you run the health checker, ISALite will output a zipped file of reports. The health checker tool produces two reports.
    • The SuiteHealthChecker.html report contains all results from all tests and also a topology map that lists the details of the communication channels between InfoSphere Information Server components.

      The report also contains two cluster topology maps for IBM WebSphere® Application Server when IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment is being used. This report is only created when the Diagnostic Health Checker is run on the services tier computer.

    • The SuiteHealthChecker-Failures.html report contains only the failed diagnostic tests.
  4. Review the reports and resolve all failures before continuing.
    The following messages might appear in the log on the target system and are normal for a new installation prior to configuration:
    The Db2 database configuration parameters are not required to be set to the 
    values that are recommended for running Information Server. The database administrator should verify that the value being used is the right value for your installation.
    CDIHC4004I Validate IADB Connection 	
    CDIHC4011E:[ERROR] Unknown Exception. See Information Server logs ( SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log in WebSphere Application Server,  or messages.log and console.log in WebSphere Liberty) for further details javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Context: isa1Node01Cell/nodes/isa1Node01/servers/server1, name: xmeta: First component in name xmeta not found. [Root exception is org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound:]
    Note: This error is reported when Information Analyzer has not yet been configured, which is the case immediately after installation. If you have not  yet configured Information Analyzer you can ignore this error.        
    CDIHC4002I Validate DataStage Connection 
    Port = 31538
    User = 
    CDIHC4013E++ [ERROR] DataStage Exception
    CDIHC4013E ++The user name provided is incorrect
    CDIHC4013E ++Note: This error is reported when Information Analyzer has 
    not yet been configured, which is the case immediately after installation. If you
    have not yet configured Information Analyzer you can ignore this error.      
    CDIHC4006I Validate EngineJobExecution 
    Port = 31538
    DSUser = 
    Driver =
    DatabaseUrl = jdbc:db2://hostname:50000/iadb
    IADBUser = iauser
    CDIHC4013E ++[ERROR] Error running the job. See log for additional details
    CDIHC4013E ++ Note: This error is reported when Information Analyzer has not 
    yet been configured, which is the case immediately after installation. If 
    you have not yet configured Information Analyzer you can ignore this error.