Backing up the installation

Before you begin exporting InfoSphere® Information Server from your source computer and after you complete the import process on the target computer, you should back up the installation.

In the following cases, backing up the installation before you begin the export process is highly recommended:
  • If you are uninstalling InfoSphere Information Server and replacing it with a new installation on the same machine
  • If you are doing a side-by-side migration
  • If the target system is on separate hardware

Backing up the target system after you complete the import process is optional, but highly recommended.

Back up your installation by using one of these procedures based on the version of the source installation:
InfoSphere Information Server Version Link
Version 11.7 Backing up and restoring IBM InfoSphere Information Server
Version 11.5 Backing up and restoring IBM InfoSphere Information Server
Version 11.3 Backing up and restoring IBM InfoSphere Information Server
Version 9.1 Backing up IBM InfoSphere Information Server components
Version 8.7 Backing up IBM InfoSphere Information Server components
Version 8.5 Backing up IBM InfoSphere Information Server components
Versions 8.1, 8.1.1, and 8.1.2 Backing up IBM InfoSphere Information Server components