Obtaining and importing a signed-certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA)

Complete this task if you want to have a certificate signed. Certificates that are trusted by a certificate authority are more easily accepted by client browsers and provide a better overall user experience. To have a certificate signed, you start with an existing self-signed certificate, generate a request, and send the request to the CA. You then import the signed certificate into the application server keystore.

Before you begin

You start with an existing self-signed certificate, either the one created by the installation program or one generated as described in Generating a new key and self-signed certificate for WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile.


  1. Create a certificate request from the Liberty profile SSL keystore:
    cd IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/resources/security
    IS_install_path/jdk/bin/keytool -certreq -alias key_alias -storetype PKCS12
    -storepass key_password -keystore ./iis-server-keystore.p12 -file certreq.req -v


    The alias of the key. If you are using the one generated by the installation program, the alias is iisSSL.
    The default password is iiskeypass, unless you changed it during installation or after updating the key and certificate.

    This command creates a file called certreq.req. Send that file through your organization's channels to have it signed by a trusted CA or, if your organization has a signing certificate, have it signed internally.

  2. When you have received the signed certificate, import it into the Liberty profile SSL keystore. (The ⇒ character indicates a line continuation.)
    cd IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/resources/security
    IS_install_path/jdk/bin/keytool -importcert -alias key_alias -storetype ⇒
    PKCS12 -storepass key_password -keystore ./iis-server-keystore.p12 -file ⇒

    Use the same values as the first step for the key_alias and key_password.

  3. Restart the application server:
    • Linux cue graphicUNIX cue graphic
      MetadataServer.sh restart
    • Windows cue graphic
      net stop InfoSvr
      net start InfoSvr