(Stand-alone environment) Running post-installation commands to enable non-root administration (Linux, UNIX)

You must run these tasks every time you install IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server where IBM WebSphere® Application Server is set up in a stand-alone configuration. You must also run these tasks after you install any new add-on components on the services tier. You must also run these tasks any time the application server is restarted as the root user and you now want to start it again as the non-root user.

Before you begin

  • If you have more than one add-on InfoSphere Information Server product to install, install all the add-on products before you begin these steps.
  • Stop all InfoSphere Information Server processes, including WebSphere Application Server, the server engine, JobMonApp, and ASB agents. See Shutting down services (Linux, UNIX).
    • The applications should be stopped while logged in as the user who started the application.
    • If WebSphere Application Server is already running as a non-root user, you must log in as that non-root user to stop WebSphere Application Server.
    • If the ASB agent is started as root, you must log in as root to stop the agent.

About this task


  1. Remove *.jar and *.lck files from the temporary directory by running the commands:
    rm /tmp/*.jar
    rm /tmp/*.lck
    Note: The operating system-defined temporary directory, tmp, is either /tmp or /var/tmp. Change the file path above accordingly.
    Note: Alternatively, you can move these files to a backup directory. Third party applications might have dependencies on the .jar or .lck files in this temporary directory and you might want the option to restore them later.
  2. If WB_vrdata or BG_vrdata exist in the temporary directory, run the following commands:
    rm –rf /tmp/WB__vrdata
    rm –rf /tmp/BG__vrdata
    • The operating-system-defined temporary directory is either /tmp or /var/tmp. Change the file path accordingly.
    • If your system was configured to relocate the temporary directory used by IBM InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog, follow the instructions here.
  3. Either wasadmin must be a member of the group assigned to the Reporting workspace directories and below with rwx permission, or you must set wasadmin as the owner of the Reporting workspace directories and below. Run these commands to set the wasadmin user as the owner of the Reporting workspace directories:
    cd /tmp
    chown -R wasadmin informationServer
    • The operating-system-defined temporary directory is either /tmp or /var/tmp. Change the file path accordingly.
    • If you relocated the Reporting workspace directory as described in the technote http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=14&uid=swg21317914, assign appropriate permissions to that directory instead.
  4. Run the command to set your desired user as the owner of the InfoSphere Information Server profile of WebSphere Application Server:
    IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
    cd WAS_installation_path/profiles
    chown -R wasadmin InfoSphere
    WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
    cd IS_install_path/wlp
    chown -R desired_user usr
    Note: Where WAS_installation_path is the path where WebSphere Application Server is installed. The default installation path is /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer. InfoSphere is the default name for the InfoSphere Information Server profile installed under WebSphere Application Server. If you installed InfoSphere Information Server to a profile name other than InfoSphere, use that profile name instead.
  5. Configure WebSphere Application Server to start as the non-root user when a computer restarts.
    1. Locate the ISFServer file on the service tier computers, by running the following commands:
      cd /etc
      find . -name "*ISFServer*"
      You must modify the ./rc.d/init.d/ISFServer file.
    2. Create a backup copy of the ISFServer file, for example:
      [etc]# cp ./rc.d/init.d/ISFServer ./rc.d/init.d/ISFServer_backup
    3. Modify the file so that is has the following content:
      /bin/su - <<non-root user>> -c "IS_installation_path/ASBServer/bin/MetadataServer.sh $*"
      Note: Where IS_installation_path is the path where InfoSphere Information Server is installed. The default installation path is /opt/IBM/InformationServer.
  6. Start the WebSphere Application Server process as wasadmin and start all InfoSphere Information Server processes. See Starting services (Linux, UNIX).
    • From now on, you should always start the application server as the non-root user. If you ever start the server as root, you must complete the post-installation steps again before you can restart the application server as the non-root user.
    • When you restart InfoSphere Information Server processes, ASBAgent is started as root. To configure this agent as the non-root user, you must complete the following procedure: Starting IBM InfoSphere Information Server node agent as a non-root user.

      If the agent is ever started by root and then started by a non-root user, you must delete the process output files, such as *.out and *.err files that are located in the IS_installation_path/ASBNode/logs folder, to allow the new owners of the agent processes to regenerate those output files. This could have occurred during an installation process if the agent also had been configured to run under a non-root user and were restarted as root during the installation.