You must run these tasks every time you install IBM®
InfoSphere® Information Server and
after you install any new add-on components to the
services tier. You must also run these tasks any time the application
server, nodeagent, or deployment manager is restarted as the root
user and you now want to start it again as the non-root user.
Before you begin
- If you have more than one add-on InfoSphere Information Server product
to install, install all the add-on products before
you begin these steps.
- Stop all InfoSphere Information Server processes,
including WebSphere® Application Server,
the server engine, JobMonApp, and ASB agents. See Shutting down services (Linux, UNIX).
- The applications should be stopped while logged in as the user
who started the application.
- If WebSphere Application Server is
already running as a non-root user, you must log in as that non-root
user to stop WebSphere Application Server.
- If the ASB agent is started as root, you must log in as root to
stop the agent.
About this task
- These steps apply to cluster environments only. If you have a
stand-alone (non-clustered) configuration, see (Stand-alone environment) Running post-installation commands to enable non-root administration (Linux, UNIX).
- The non-root user name, wasadmin, is an example that is used throughout
the documentation. If you have a different non-root user name, make
sure to use that one instead and replace every instance of wasadmin
in the commands that you run.
- This procedure must be repeated on all systems where IBM
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment is
installed. This includes the computer that hosts the Deployment Manager
and the computers that host the various managed nodes.
- Remove *.jar and *.lck files from the temporary directory
by running the commands:
Note: The operating system-defined
temporary directory, tmp, is either /tmp or /var/tmp.
Change the file path below accordingly.
Note: Alternatively,
you can move these files to a backup directory. Third party applications
might have dependencies on the .jar or .lck files in this temporary
directory and you might want the option to restore them later.
rm /tmp/*.jar
rm /tmp/*.lck
- If WB_vrdata or BG_vrdata exist
in the temporary directory, run the following commands:
Note: The
operating-system-defined temporary directory is either /tmp or /var/tmp.
Change the file path below accordingly.
rm –rf /tmp/WB__vrdata
rm –rf /tmp/BG__vrdata
- The operating-system-defined temporary directory is either /tmp or /var/tmp.
Change the file path accordingly.
- If your system was configured to relocate the temporary directory
used by IBM
InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog as
described in the following technote, follow the instructions in the
following technote to assure that appropriate permissions are assigned
to the WB__vrdata and BG__vrdata directories:
- Either wasadmin must be a member of the group assigned
to the Reporting workspace directories and below with rwx permission,
or you must set wasadmin as the owner of the Reporting workspace directories
and below. Run these commands to set the non-root user as the owner
of the Reporting workspace directories:
cd /tmp
chown -R wasadmin informationServer
- The operating-system-defined temporary directory is either /tmp or /var/tmp.
Change the file path accordingly.
- If you relocated the Reporting workspace directory as described
in the technote, assign appropriate permissions to that directory
- Assign wasadmin ownership to all WebSphere Application Server profiles
participating in the InfoSphere Information Server cluster.
Note: There are multiple WebSphere Application Server profiles
potentially on different machines.
- For each profile in the cluster, run the following command
to change ownership to the non-root user.
cd WAS_installation_path/profiles
chown -R wasadmin Custom01
WAS_installation_path is
the path where WebSphere Application Server is
installed. The default installation path is /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer. Custom01 is
the default name for the InfoSphere Information Server profile
installed under WebSphere Application Server.
If you installed InfoSphere Information Server to
a profile name other than Custom01, use that profile name instead.
this step on each custom profile. (A custom profile is a WebSphere Application Server profile
that hosts a managed node.)
- Run the commands to assign ownership to the non-root
user of the Deployment Manager profile. In this example, the profile
is named Dmgr01.
cd WAS_installation_path/profiles
chown -R wasadmin Dmgr01
WAS_installation_path is
the path where WebSphere Application Server is
installed. The default installation path is /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer. Dmgr01 is
the default profile name for the Deployment Manager profile.
- Start all WebSphere Application Server processes
as wasadmin user and start all InfoSphere Information Server processes.
See Starting services (Linux, UNIX).
If the
agent is ever launched by root and then started by a non-root user,
you must delete the process output files, such as *.out and *.err files
that are located in the IS_installation_path/ASBNode/logs folder,
to allow the new owners of the agent processes to regenerate those
output files. The situation could have occurred during an installation
process if the agent also had been configured to run under a non-root
user and were restarted as root during the installation.
What to do next
If this is the first time that you completed this task for
this installation, ensure that you also complete (Cluster environment) Changing ownership of the web server directory and plugin-cfg.xml.