Unregistration options
Repositories, connections, and database servers will be
unregistered from the metadata repository during a normal uninstallation
process. However, there are situations where you can unregister these
entities using the RegistrationAdmin
tool, for example,
if you relocate a repository.
-unregisterRepository -reposName name
-urr -rn name
Unregisters a repository from the metadata repository. A repository must be unregistered when its corresponding tool is uninstalled or as part of the relocation of a registered repository to another database.
Example command:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -unregisterRepository -rn odb
-unregisterDatabase -dbName name
-urd -dn name
Unregisters a database from the metadata repository. A database can be unregistered only if it does not have any repositories registered with it. To unregister a database, you must first unregister each of its repositories. You might want to manually unregister a database when you are relocating all of its repositories to another database server.
Example command:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -unregisterDatabase -dn odb
-unregisterDatabaseServer -databaseType type -databaseVersion version -serverHost hostname
-urs -dt type -dv version -sh hostname
Unregisters a database server from the metadata repository. A database server can be unregistered only if it does not have any databases registered with it. To unregister a database server, you must first unregister each of its databases. You might want to manually unregister a database server when you are relocating all of its databases to another server.
Example command:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -unregisterDatabaseServer -dt Db2 -dv 10.5 -host localhost