List and display options
Use the following options to list and display information about your registered repositories, databases, database platforms, database servers, and SQL scripts.
The list options list the entities that are registered with the metadata repository. The display options display information about a particular entity. The display options can be used to create the properties files that are required for the registration options.
Lists the database platforms supported by the current version of IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server.
Example command string:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -listDatabasePlatforms
Example output:
Db2 10.5 Db2 10.1 Db2 9.7 Db2 9.5 ORACLE 11g ORACLE 10g SQLSERVER 2005 SQLSERVER 2012 SQLSERVER 2008
Restriction: In InfoSphere Information Server Version 11.7, DB2® 11.1, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016 and Oracle 12c are the supported database versions. Other database versions may be listed because your repository database may have been registered with that version. Please upgrade your repository database to one of the supported versions.For more information, see Upgrade the Repository database section.
-listDatabaseServers -databaseType type -databaseVersion version
-ls -dt type -dv version
Lists each of the database servers that are registered with a given database platform. You can obtain the available database platforms with the -listDatabasePlatforms option.
Example command string:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -listDatabaseServers -dt Db2 -dv 10.5
Example output:
Db2 10.5 on localhost:50000 Db2 10.5 on host25:1433
Lists the registered databases.
Example command:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -listDatabases
Example output:
odb odb_engine1 odb_engine2 srd
Lists the registered repositories. A repository is implemented as a separate schema in a given database and has its own set of tablespaces and associated user connections. In that sense multiple repositories can be collocated in the same database or be created in separate databases. If the repository context information was provided when the repository was registered or updated, it will be displayed next to the repository, as in the first line of the following example output.
Example command:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -listRepositories
Example output::
odb (production) srd
-listSQLScripts -databaseType type -databaseVersion version [-scriptTool tool]
-lt -dt type -dv version [-sto tool]
Lists each of the SQL scripts that are registered with a given tool for a given database platform. The tool name is optional; if not provided, all available scripts for the database type and version are listed. You can obtain the available database platforms with the -listDatabasePlatforms option. The following tools are available:
DataQualityConsole DataStage StandardizationRulesDesigner
Example command string:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -listSQLScripts -dt Db2 -dv 10.5 -sto DataStage
Example output:
dsodb_db_creation dsodb_drop_tables dsodb_grant_permissions_newdb dsodb_grant_permissions_newschema dsodb_remove_db dsodb_remove_functions dsodb_remove_schema dsodb_remove_user dsodb_table_creation dsodb_tablespace_creation dsodb_upgrade_87to91 dsodb_user_config
-displayDatabasePlatform -databaseType type -databaseVersion version [-results filename]
-dp -dt type -dv version [-res filename]
Displays details about a particular database platform. The values that you provide for the type and version must match exactly that which is displayed with the -listDatabasePlatforms option. The -results option can be used for all command options to redirect the results to a file; however, it is most useful for the -display* options to create files to use when registering objects.
Example command:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -displayDatabasePlatform -dt Db2 -dv 10.5
Example output:
DatabasePlatform.databaseType=DB2 DatabasePlatform.version=10.5 DatabasePlatform.jdbcJarFiles=db2jcc.jar,db2jcc_license_cu.jar
-displayDatabaseServer -databaseType type -databaseVersion version -serverHost hostname [-results filename]
-ds -dt type -dv version -sh hostname [-res filename]
Displays details about a particular database server. The values that you provide for the type, version, and host name must match exactly that which is displayed with the -listDatabaseServers option. The -results option can be used for all command options to redirect the results to a file; however, it is most useful for the -display* options to create files to use when registering objects.
Example command:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -displayDatabaseServer -dt Db2 -dv 10.5 -sh localhost
Example output:
DatabasePlatform.databaseType=DB2 DatabasePlatform.version=10.5 DatabaseServer.port=50000 DatabaseServer.binPath=C:\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN DatabaseServer.adminUser=db2admin DatabaseServer.adminPassword={iisenc}fwGPejos3/I1QmTGHExwGc==
-displayDatabase -dbName name [-results filename]
-dd -dn name [-res filename]
Displays details about a particular database. The value that you provide for the name must match exactly that which is displayed with the -listDatabases option. The -results option can be used for all command options to redirect the results to a file; however, it is most useful for the -display* options to create files to use when registering objects.
Example command:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -displayDatabase -dn odb
Example output:
DatabasePlatform.databaseType=DB2 DatabasePlatform.version=10.5 DatabaseServer.port=50000 Database.alias=odb Database.location=C:\
-displayRepository -reposName name [-results filename]
-dr -rn name [-res filename]
Displays details about a particular repository. The name that you provide for the repository must match exactly the name that is displayed with the -listRepositories option. The -results option can be used for all command options to redirect the results to a file; however, it is most useful for the -display* options to create files to use when registering objects.
Example command:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -displayRepository -rn odb
Example output:
DatabasePlatform.databaseType=DB2 DatabasePlatform.version=10.5 DatabaseServer.port=50000 Database.alias=odb Database.location=C:\ Repository.description=Production engine ODB. Repository.tool=DataStage Repository.context=production Repository.schema=odb RepositoryConnection.userName=odb RepositoryConnection.password={iisenc}gwFQseoj24I/SnCFEH+cWg== RepositoryConnection.connectionURL=jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/odb RepositoryConnection.managedDataSourceName=odb
Tip: You can capture the output produced by the -displayRepository option to create a properties file that you can use as a starting point to register another repository. To capture the output, either redirect to a file or provide a filename with the -results option.Example:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -displayRepository -rn odb -res
Make edits, such as changing the server from 'localhost' to 'testserver' and the database from 'odb' to 'odb1', then register the new repository.
RepositoryAdmin.bat -registerRepository -propertyFile
-displayRepositoryConnection -reposName name [-connectionName name] [-results filename]
-dc -rn name [-cn name] [-res filename]
Displays details about the connection for a repository. The connection name is optional as there is only one connection per repository. The -results option can be used for all command options to redirect the results to a file; however, it is most useful for the -display* options to create files to use when registering objects.
Example command:
RepositoryAdmin.bat -displayRepositoryConnection -cn odb -rn odb
Example output: RepositoryConnection.userName=odb RepositoryConnection.password={iisenc}gwFQseoj24I/SnCFEH+cWg== RepositoryConnection.connectionURL=jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/odb RepositoryConnection.managedDataSourceName=odb
Note: Currently,RepositoryConnection.managedDataSourceName
is not used and is optional.