Saving InfoSphere DataStage settings files

Save the settings files from the source installation. Then after you install the new version, integrate the saved settings into the settings files on the target installation.

In the following procedure, the environment variable $DSHOME identifies the engine directory of the IBM® InfoSphere® DataStage® installation.

For Version 8.1 and later, the engine directory is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine. For Version 8.1 and later, the default location for each project is in its own directory in the /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Projects directory.

In Microsoft Windows, the engine directory is C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\DSEngine. For Version 8.1 and later, each project has its own directory located, by default, in the C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\Projects directory.

  1. Complete these steps to save the required settings files:
    1. Copy the $DSHOME/dsenv file to a location that is outside of the InfoSphere DataStage file structure.
    2. To keep a record of the existing configuration and the configuration of the ODBC drivers, copy the following files to a location that is outside of the InfoSphere DataStage file structure:
      • $DSHOME/.odbc.ini
      • $DSHOME/uvodbc.config
      • The uvodbc.config file that is located in each project directory
  2. Complete these steps to save the required settings files:
    1. Copy the DSParams file from each project directory to a safe location.
    2. Copy the DSParams file from the Template project. For example, save the C:\Ascential\DataStage\Template\DSParams file.
    3. Copy the $DSHOME\uvodbc.config file in the engine directory.
    4. Copy the uvodbc.config file that is located in each project directory.