Monitoring the InfoSphere Information Server installation

You can follow the progress of the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server suite installation by monitoring the installation log files.

Before you begin

The monitoring procedures assume that you have installed InfoSphere Information Server in the default installation path. If your installation is different from the following path, substitute your path when you complete the procedures.

Operating system Default installation path
AIX® /opt/IBM/InformationServer
Linux /opt/IBM/InformationServer
Windows C:\IBM\InformationServer


  1. On the computer on which the installation program is running, navigate to the ibm_is_logs directory that you specified as the temporary directory. The default temporary directory is:
    Operating system Directory
  2. Open the log file:
    Option Procedure
    Use the tail command
    tail -f ISInstall*.log
    ISInstall*.log is the log file with the most recent date timestamp.
    Use a text editor that does not lock the file Close the file and then reopen it
    Important: Do not delete the installation log files or the log file directory during the installation process.

What to do next

When installation is complete, save the log files for troubleshooting and verification purposes.