Additional directories created on client tier computers
The following directories are created on client tier computers by the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server installation program.
- InfoSphere Information Server client installation directory
- This directory will contain the installed software for IBM
InfoSphere Information Server console, InfoSphere
DataStage® and QualityStage® clients,
and other clients.
If you install a client tier on a computer where an engine tier is installed, the client tier and engine tier must share the same base directory (for example, C:\IBM\InformationServer). Do not install multiple versions of the client on a system that also has an engine tier.
Table 1. InfoSphere Information Server client installation directory Operating system Default directory path Additional requirements Windows C:\IBM\InformationServer\client None The installation directory path can contain only the following characters:- 0-9
- [a-z][A-Z]
- - (hyphen)
- _ (underscore)
- . (period)
Do not use accented characters, double byte characters, or the following special characters in the path: ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) | \/ ? > <, { } [ ]
- IBM InfoSphere Information Server console client cache
- This directory will contain cached information for the InfoSphere Information Server console.
Table 2. InfoSphere Information Server console cache directory Operating system Default directory path Additional requirements Windows %APPDATA%\IBM\IBM Information Server console None - IBM InfoSphere DataStage client logs
- This directory will contain log information for the InfoSphere
DataStage Administrator,
Designer, and Director clients.
Table 3. InfoSphere DataStage client log directory Operating system Default directory path Additional requirements Windows %USERPROFILE%\ds_logs None If your organization does not allow write access to %USERPROFILE%, see for information on changing the location of this directory.