Additional directories created on client tier computers

The following directories are created on client tier computers by the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server installation program.

InfoSphere Information Server client installation directory
This directory will contain the installed software for IBM InfoSphere Information Server console, InfoSphere DataStage® and QualityStage® clients, and other clients.

If you install a client tier on a computer where an engine tier is installed, the client tier and engine tier must share the same base directory (for example, C:\IBM\InformationServer). Do not install multiple versions of the client on a system that also has an engine tier.

Table 1. InfoSphere Information Server client installation directory
Operating system Default directory path Additional requirements
Windows C:\IBM\InformationServer\client None
The installation directory path can contain only the following characters:
  • 0-9
  • [a-z][A-Z]
  • - (hyphen)
  • _ (underscore)
  • . (period)

Do not use accented characters, double byte characters, or the following special characters in the path: ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) | \/ ? > <, { } [ ]

IBM InfoSphere Information Server console client cache
This directory will contain cached information for the InfoSphere Information Server console.
Table 2. InfoSphere Information Server console cache directory
Operating system Default directory path Additional requirements
Windows %APPDATA%\IBM\IBM Information Server console None
IBM InfoSphere DataStage client logs
This directory will contain log information for the InfoSphere DataStage Administrator, Designer, and Director clients.
Table 3. InfoSphere DataStage client log directory
Operating system Default directory path Additional requirements
Windows %USERPROFILE%\ds_logs None

If your organization does not allow write access to %USERPROFILE%, see for information on changing the location of this directory.