Checking the status of IBM WebSphere Application Server startup (stand-alone installation)

Whenever you restart WebSphere® Application Server, make sure that the application server is fully started before you take any further action. This procedure applies to a stand-alone installation of WebSphere Application Server.

About this task

Even though the status of an application server might show as STARTED, it might still not be available for use by IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server because the InfoSphere Information Server applications not yet fully initialized. The InfoSphere Information Server applications typically complete initialization within two to four minutes after the application server status first changes to STARTED.

If you started WebSphere Application Server by running startServer or run, control returns when WebSphere Application Server has completed starting all applications but before InfoSphere Information Server has completed application initialization. Running serverStatus at this point shows a status of STARTED. However, initialization is not yet complete.

If you started WebSphere Application Server by running start, control returns immediately before WebSphere Application Server starts any applications. After a delay, running serverStatus will show a status of STARTING. After a few minutes, running serverStatus will show a status of STARTED. This status indicates that WebSphere Application Server has completed starting all applications. However, it does not indicate that InfoSphere Information Server has completed application initialization.


Follow this procedure to determine if the InfoSphere Information Server applications have completed initialization.

  1. Log in to the services tier computer.
  2. Locate the SystemOut.log file.
    The file is located in the following directory:


    In the directory path:
    • WAS_install_path is the location where WebSphere Application Server is installed. The default installation path is:
      • Linux cue graphicUNIX cue graphic/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
      • Windows cue graphicC:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
    • profile is the profile name in which InfoSphere Information Server is running. The default profile name is InfoSphere.
    • serverx is the name of the application server instance. The default server name is server1.
  3. In the SystemOut.log file, in the timeframe in which the application server is being started, look for the following line. This line indicates that InfoSphere Information Server is fully initialized and ready for operation:
    Initialization: EJB Initializations complete

    The SystemOut.log file might contain log entries that span multiple application server restarts. For this reason, the file might contain multiple lines that read EJB Initializations complete. Use the timestamps of the log entries to determine if this message is associated with the application server startup that you want.