Resolving IBM WebSphere Application Server installation problems

Use this troubleshooting information when you install IBM® WebSphere® Application Server with IBM InfoSphere® Information Server.


When you install WebSphere Application Server with IBM InfoSphere Information Server, the WebSphere Application Server installation fails.


All supported environments.

Diagnosing the problem

If the WebSphere Application Server installation fails, review the following log files:
  • WebSphere Application Server log files. For more information, refer to the following topics:
  • InfoSphere Information Server installation log file:
    Operating system Directory
    AIX® /opt/IBM/InformationServer/logs/WebSphereInstall.log
    Linux /opt/IBM/InformationServer/logs/WebSphereInstall.log
    Windows C:\IBM\InformationServer\logs\WebSphereInstall.log
Search for following error:
INSTCONFFAILED: Cannot create profile:
The profile does not exist

Resolving the problem

Any of the following issues can cause problems with the WebSphere Application Server installation process:
Microsoft Windows
The DEBUG variable is set in your environment variables.
Verify that the DEBUG variable is not set in your environment variables. If the DEBUG variable is set:
  1. Remove the DEBUG variable from your environment variables.
  2. Restart the computer.
  3. Reinstall InfoSphere Information Server.
  4. After the installation is complete, reset the DEBUG variable.
The installation user cannot write to the Microsoft Windows directory.
The installation user must have write permissions to the Windows directory. This directory is the directory specified by the %WinDir% environment variable. By default, the directory is C:\WINDOWS.
In Microsoft Windows 2008, this problem might occur if you run as the true administrator or if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled.
The /etc/filesystems file contains a duplicate entry.
If the /etc/filesystems file contains a duplicate entry, the WebSphere Application Server installation reports 0 MB of available disk space. Edit the /etc/filesystems file, and comment out the duplicate entry.