IWAV0003E warning in installation log file
IWAV0003E warnings in the installation log file can be ignored.
A warning similar to the following text is written to the installation log file during the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server enterprise archive (EAR) deployment phase:[exec] +++ Warning +++: Mon Sep 18 19:36:18 BST 2010 IWAV0003E
Could not reflect methods for com.ascential.xmeta.shared.
ILocalTransactionalBusiness because one of the methods references
a type that could not be loaded. Exception: java.lang.
NoClassDefFoundError: com.ascential.xmeta.exception.ServiceException
All environments.Resolving the problem
This error can be ignored. The EAR installs correctly.This warning is issued because the classes inside the EAR are not on the classpath for the EAR installation process. After the EAR is installed, the classes are resolved correctly.