Changing WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile ports

The application server ports are set during installation. If you discover conflicts with your existing environment, you can change the port settings.

About this task

The installation program sets the application server HTTPS port to 9443. If this port is not available, the installation program increments the value by one until an available port is found. It sets the HTTP port in the same way, first attempting with port 9080. If you discover that a chosen port value conflicts with another application in your environment, you can change the port setting.


  1. Stop the application server:
    AIX Linux
    <IS_install_path>/ASBServer/bin/ stop
    net stop InfoSvr
  2. Edit the WebSphere® Application Server Liberty Profile IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/ file. Change the iis.https, iis.http, or both property values to your desired ports. The values must be different from each other. The application server cannot listen for two kinds of protocols on the same port.
  3. Start the application server:
    AIX Linux
    <IS_install_path>/ASBServer/bin/ run
    net start InfoSvr
  4. Update the port values in the Version.xml file on the engine tier computer and services tier computer. The file is located in the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server installation directory.
    This file contains the installation records that are used by the installation program. Keeping this file current avoids problems with future installations. Edit the file with a text editor:
    1. If you want to change the HTTP port, locate the PersistedVariable element for iis.console.http.port. Change the port value to the new HTTP port.
      <PersistedVariable encrypted="false" name="iis.console.http.port" 
          persistent="true" readonly="true" value="port" />
    2. If you want to change the HTTPS port, locate the PersistedVariable elements for iis.console.https.port, is.console.port, and isf.http.port. Change the port values to the new HTTPS port.
      <PersistedVariable encrypted="false" name="iis.console.https.port" 
          persistent="true" readonly="true" value="port" />
      <PersistedVariable encrypted="false" name="is.console.port" 
          persistent="true" readonly="true" value="port" />
      <PersistedVariable encrypted="false" name="isf.http.port" 
          persistent="true" readonly="true" value="port" />
  5. If you changed the HTTPS port, modify the registered-servers.xml file on each computer that hosts the services tier. This file is in the following location, where installdir is the location of your InfoSphere Information Server installation directory.
    AIX Linux
    Note: The typical installation location is /opt/IBM/InformationServer.
    Note: The typical installation location is C:\IBM\InformationServer.
    Edit the file in a text editor. Locate the asb-server element and update the port value to the new HTTPS port.
    <asb-server name="host"
                is-primary-server="true" />

    There might be multiple asb-server elements in the registered-servers.xml file. Modify the asb-server elements for the servers whose port numbers are changing.

  6. If you changed the HTTPS port, modify the registered-servers.xml file on each computer that hosts the engine tier. This file is in the following location, where installdir is the location of your InfoSphere Information Server installation directory.
    AIX Linux
    Edit the file in a text editor. Locate the asb-server element and update the port value to the new HTTPS port.
    <asb-server name="host"
                is-primary-server="true" />

    There might be multiple asb-server elements in the registered-servers.xml file. Modify the asb-server elements for the servers whose port numbers are changing.

  7. Optional: Modify the registered-servers.xml file on each computer that hosts the client tier. The list of servers in these files is used to populate the server lists in the login pages for some client applications. You can update these files if you want to have the updated port values shown on the next login attempt. Alternatively, you can enter the new value in the login page the next time that you log in. However, the old host name and port continue to display in the lists in some client application login pages unless you modify the registered-servers.xml file on the computer.
    Modify the file in one of the following ways:
    • Change the file in the same way that you modified the registered-servers.xml files on the engine tier computers.
      Note: On client-only computers, the is-primary-server="true" attribute does not appear in the <asb-server> element.
    • Run the RegistrationCommand command:
      AIX Linux
      cd <IS_install_path>/ASBNode/bin ./RegistrationCommand -remove -hostname host -port port
      cd <IS_install_path>\ASBNode\bin RegistrationCommand.bat -remove -hostname host -port port
      Note: These commands use example installation directories, which might be different from your own setup.
      Tip: To use the RegistrationCommand command to add the new host name and port number for a new server entry, run the command:
      AIX Linux
      ./ -add -name host -hostname host -port port
      RegistrationCommand.bat -add -name host -hostname host -port port