Additional directories created on the metadata repository tier computer (IBM Db2)

The directories indicated in this topic are created if a new Db2® instance is installed by the InfoSphere® Information Server installation program or the Db2 installation program. For other database system types, refer to the database system documentation.

Important: AIX® Linux®: The user who runs the installation program must have write access to file systems including /var and /usr/local/bin directories. If these directories are on network mounted file systems such as the IBM® AFS® file system, confirm that the installation user ID has write access.
Database server installation directory

This directory contains the database server executable files and libraries.

Db2 must reside on a local file system. Db2 supports running the database software from a mounted NFS volume, but does not support installation to a mounted NFS volume.

The following table provides operating system-specific information about the database server installation directory.

Table 1. Database server installation directory: operating system-specific information
Operating system Default directory path Additional requirements
AIX /opt/IBM/db2 None
Linux /opt/IBM/db2 None
Windows C:\IBM\SQLLIB None
The installation directory path can contain only the following characters:
  • 0-9
  • [a-z][A-Z]
  • - (hyphen)
  • _ (underscore)
  • . (period)

Do not use accented characters, double byte characters, or the following special characters in the path: ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) | \/ ? > <, { } [ ]

Db2 instance owner home directory
The following table provides operating system-specific information about the Db2 instance owner home directory.
Table 2. Db2 instance owner home directory: operating system-specific information
Operating system Default directory path Additional requirements
AIX Linux Db2 instance owner: /home/db2inst1

The /var file system path must have at least 1 GB of space available for the Db2 temporary directory.

The Db2 instance owner must have read, write, and execute permissions to its home directory, and read permission to its parent directory.

If the directory is on a network file system (NFS), export the file system with the no_root_squash option enabled and the nosetuid option off.


Db2 instance owner:

c:\Documents and Settings\db2admin or c:\Users\db2admin
The Db2 instance owner must have full control of its own home directory.
Database storage directory
This directory will contain data for the operations of InfoSphere Information Server. This data is separate and distinct from the data in your data sources, and can include the following databases or schemas among others:
  • Metadata repository. This database is typically named xmeta.
  • Analysis databases for IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer. If there is only one analysis database, it is typically named iadb.
  • Test results database for IBM InfoSphere QualityStage® (no default directory)
  • Operations database for IBM InfoSphere DataStage®. This database is typically named dsodb.

The directory is created by the InfoSphere Information Server installation program. Put the directory on a file system that has high-speed read-write performance.

Rather than backing up the directory, regularly back up the databases using your database backup facilities. In general, you back up a database by using the method provided by the database system.

The following table provides operating system-specific information about the database storage directory.

Table 3. Additional requirements and default paths for the database storage directory
Operating system Default directory path Additional requirements
AIX Linux /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Repos
  • The Db2 database instance owner (db2inst1) must own the directories that store the metadata repository and the analysis databases.
  • If the directory is on a network file system (NFS), export the file system with the no_root_squash option enabled and the nosetuid option off.
Windows C:\DB2 None