InfoSphere Information Analyzer roles

IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server supports role-based authentication of users. By using the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console, administrators can add users and groups. By using the IBM InfoSphere Information Server console, project administrators can assign the users and groups to projects and assign roles to those users and groups.

Users derive authority from the union of their role in InfoSphere Information Server (the suite role), their role in the suite component (for example, IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer or IBM InfoSphere FastTrack), and the role that they perform in an assigned project (the project role). The administrator creates a security policy by performing the following tasks:

  • Creating a user ID for each person who needs to access the suite
  • Assigning suite and suite component roles to each user
  • Assigning each user to specific projects within the suite component
  • Assigning each user roles in that project
Roles are complementary and you can grant users greater responsibility by assigning multiple roles.

Suite roles

Suite Administrator
Provides maximum administration privileges throughout the suite.
Suite User
Provides access to the suite and to suite components. If you assign a user the role of suite administrator and not that of suite user, the user cannot log on to any of the suite tools or component tools. This role is the default role.

Suite component roles

Information Analyzer Data Administrator
Can import metadata, modify analysis settings, and add or modify system sources.
Information Analyzer Project Administrator
Can administer projects including creating, deleting, and modifying information analysis projects.
Information Analyzer User
Can log on to InfoSphere Information Analyzer, view the dashboard, and open a project.
FastTrack Administrator
Can create and manage projects, and manage user and group access to projects.
FastTrack User
Can use IBM InfoSphere FastTrack functions. A user must be authorized to projects before using functions for creating, managing, and viewing mapping specifications.

Project roles

Information Analyzer Business Analyst
Reviews analysis results. This role can set baselines and checkpoints for baseline analysis, publish analysis results, delete analysis results, and view the results of analysis jobs.
Information Analyzer Data Operator
Manages data analyses and logs. This role can run or schedule all analysis jobs.
Information Analyzer Data Steward
Provides read-only views of analysis results. This role can also view the results of all analysis jobs.
Information Analyzer Drill Down User
Drills down into source data. This role is applicable when Enable Drill Down Security is selected.