Specifying engine tier installation options

Use the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server installation program to specify options for the engine tier computer, such as the ports to use for the InfoSphere Information Server ASB agent (communication agent), as well as connection details for other product modules.


  1. Select the directories where you want to install the product that you determined when planning your installation.
  2. Select New installation.
  3. Select the tiers to install on the target computer.
    • If you are installing an engine on this computer but are not installing the services tier, specify the connection information for the services tier.
    • If your services tier is configured in a clustered implementation of IBM WebSphere® Application Server, specify the host name and port number of the front-end HTTP dispatcher. Otherwise, specify the host name of the services tier computer and the port number for WebSphere Application Server (typically 9443).
  4. Enter the InfoSphere Information Server administrator user name and password. Use the information that you determined when planning your installation.
  5. Select the product modules that you want to install. The product modules that are displayed are only those that are part of the entitlement package that you purchased. Select the same set of product modules for each computer.
  6. If you are configuring your topology for high availability, enter the preconfigured floating host name to share between the servers.
  7. Enter the InfoSphere Information Server administrator user name and password.
  8. Specify the ports to use for the InfoSphere Information Server ASB agent (communication agent). The ASB agent facilitates communication between tiers.
  9. Specify connection details for additional InfoSphere Information Server components.
    1. Specify the InfoSphere DataStage® administrator user name.
      • If you created the administrator user before starting the installation program, click Existing user and specify the user name.
      • If you did not create the administrator user, click Create a user as the IBM InfoSphere DataStage administrator and specify the user information.
    2. Specify two TCP/IP ports to use for the IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage® job monitor, which takes snapshots of job performance. The job monitor uses one port to request job information and the second port to report job information. The default port settings are acceptable in most configurations.
    3. If an installed instance of the InfoSphere Information Server engine exists on the target computer, and you want to install another engine instance on the same computer, specify the tag information for the engine.
    4. If you want this installation to handle data in languages other than English, install globalization support.
      Some server jobs might run more slowly after you install globalization, but the performance of parallel jobs is not affected. The code page that is currently configured on the target computer must be supported by InfoSphere Information Server. If the code page is not supported, change to a supported code page and restart the installation program.
      Important: You cannot change the globalization support after installation.
    5. If you have existing jobs that depend on the IBMWebSphere MQ Plug-in, choose to install the plug-in. For new jobs, you can use the IBMWebSphere MQ Connector.
    6. If you have existing jobs that use SAS, enable a legacy SAS configuration and select the SAS that you want to configure.
    7. Specify the InfoSphere DataStage projects to create. You must create at least one project during installation. The installation wizard defaults to creating a project called dstage1.
  10. Specify the ports for the metadata interchange agent to use. You must specify the HTTPS port number for the engine tier computer. The default HTTPS port is 19443.
  11. If the metadata repository is installed on a separate computer, specify the connection information for the metadata repository.
  12. If the metadata repository is installed on a separate computer, then depending on the product modules you selected, the installation wizard will ask you for connection information for the modules' supporting data stores (for example, the operations database for IBM InfoSphere DataStage and the standardization rules designer database for IBM InfoSphere QualityStage). The databases are registered and SQL scripts are provided for you to create the supporting data stores after installation.