Control Files

The Red Brick Load stage can generate up to nine files per link, including the following:

The following table lists the file name used if a custom control file is entered, the default file name used if no custom control file is entered, and the description for the file:

Table 1. Naming Conventions and Descriptions of Control Files
File Name (CustomCntlFile) File Name (No CustomCntlFile) Description
CustomCntlFile.tmu database_table.tmu Control file for data loading
CustomCntlFile.sql database_table.sql SQL file for table creation
CustomCntlFile.dat database_table.dat Data file to store data from the input link
CustomCntlFile_table.bat database_table.bat Batch file to store the spawn commands
CustomCntlFile_create.log database_table_create.log Log file for table creation
CustomCntlFile_load.log database_table_load.log Log file for data loading
CustomCntlFile_before.log database_table_before.log Log file for the BeforeCommand
CustomCntlFile_after.log database_table_after.log Log file for the AfterCommand
CustomCntlFile_removal.log database_table_removal.log Log file for the removal of the intermediate data file