Configuring your Web browser to work with the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console
The IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server Web console is supported with both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. You must do these steps in your preferred Web browser before you use the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console.
Before you begin
- Make sure that your browser is supported by InfoSphere Information Server. For information about supported browsers, see the InfoSphere Information Server system requirements at
- Determine the URL to use to access the web console. See Logging in to the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console. The host name and port differ depending upon the IBM WebSphere® Application Server configuration in use.
- Because HTTPS is enabled, the first time that you access the Web console, a message about a security certificate is displayed if the certificate from the server is not trusted. If you receive such a message, follow the browser prompts to accept the certificate and proceed to the login page.
Configuring Microsoft Internet Explorer to work with the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console
You can enable Microsoft Internet Explorer to work with the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console.
Configuring Internet Explorer to work with the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console on Microsoft Windows Server 2008
In Microsoft Windows Server 2008, you might need to add the InfoSphere Information Server web console URL to the trusted sites zones in Internet Explorer.
About this task
If you are browsing to an IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console by using its host name, such as https://hostname:9443/ibm/iis/console, you must add the URL (https://hostname) to the trusted site zones in Internet Explorer.
You do not have to add the URL to the trusted sites zones if your client computer is also your server and you are browsing to the server by using the URL https//localhost:9443/ibm/iis/console, or if you are using Mozilla Firefox.
- In Microsoft Internet Explorer, choose .
- In the Security tab, select the Trusted Sites zone.
- Click Sites.
- In the Trusted Sites window, enter the URL and click Add.
Configuring Mozilla Firefox to work with the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console
You can configure Mozilla Firefox to work with the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console.
Viewing report results in a Web browser
Set additional security options to ensure that report results open correctly in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- In the Internet Explorer toolbar, click .
- On the Security tab, click the zone in which the services tier is located, such as Local intranet.
- On the Security tab, click Custom Level.
- In the Security Settings window, scroll to Automatic prompting for file downloads under Downloads and select Enable.
- Click OK.
- Click OK.