You can change the metadata repository owner account password
or the staging area repository owner account password after installation. Follow this procedure if your implementation includes
a stand-alone installation of WebSphere® Application Server.
About this task
Follow this procedure to change either the metadata repository
database owner password or the staging area repository owner password.
The metadata repository database owner and staging area repository
user names cannot be changed.
- Stop WebSphere Application Server.
- Change the metadata repository owner account password or
the staging area owner account password on the computer:
- If your database is implemented within IBM® Db2®,
change the password by using standard operating system utilities.
- If your database is implemented within another database
management system, refer to the database management system documentation
for information about changing the password.
- Log in to the services tier computer. Use
an account with administrator credentials.

The account must have execution permission
for the tools in the ASBServer/bin directory
within the InfoSphere® Information Server installation
- Run the AppServerAdmin command to update the password
across your configuration.
For example, to update your configuration with password mypassword
, run the
following command:
- To update the metadata repository database owner account password, use the
-db option. For example:
- To update the staging area repository owner account password, use the -dbs
option. For example:

cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin
./ -dbs -user xmetasr -password mypassword
cd \IBM\InformationServer\ASBServer\bin
AppServerAdmin.bat -dbs -user xmetasr -password mypassword
Tip: The -password parameter is optional. If not provided, you will be prompted for a
password. If you do provide a password, it can be either plain text or an encrypted string that has
been created with the encrypt command.
This command updates the WebSphere Application Server user
registry configuration. You do not have to use the WebSphere Application Server
administrative console.
- Update the changes in XMETA repository by running the following
IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin/ setProperty -file
IS_install_path/ASBServer/conf/ -dbfile
- Windows
IS_install_path\ASBServer\bin\xmetaAdmin.bat setProperty -file
IS_install_path\ASBServer\conf\ -dbfile
- Restart WebSphere Application Server.
- When restarting WebSphere Application Server,
regardless of the method that you use, the startup method returns
before the application server is fully started. To verify that WebSphere Application Server has
started, monitor the log files.