Monitoring the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile application deployment

You can follow the progress of the IBM® WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile application deployment by monitoring the installation log files.

Before you begin

The monitoring procedures assume that you have installed InfoSphere® Information Server in the default installation path. If your installation is different from the following path, substitute your path when you complete the procedures.

Operating system Default installation path
AIX® /opt/IBM/InformationServer
Linux /opt/IBM/InformationServer
Windows C:\IBM\InformationServer


  1. On the computer on which the installation program is running, navigate to the directory that contains the log file:
    Operating system Directory
    AIX cd IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/logs
    Linux cd IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/logs
    Windows cd IS_install_path\wlp\usr\servers\iis\logs
  2. Open the log file:
    Option Procedure
    Use the tail command
    tail -f messages.log
    messages.log is the most recent log file.
    Use a text editor that does not lock the file Close the file and then reopen it
    Note: Do not delete the installation log files or the log file directory during the installation process.