Installing the new version of InfoSphere Information Server on the client computer

You do not migrate the client programs; instead, you install the new version of the client programs on the client tier.

Complete the steps below to install the Version 11.7 client on the same Microsoft Windows computer where the client for the prior version is located. If your topology includes multiple versions of IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server, you can install the Version 11.7 client tier on a separate Microsoft Windows computer or install it on the same computer with the prior versions of the client. For InfoSphere DataStage®, use the Multi-client Manager to switch between versions. If you choose to install the Version 11.7 client tier along with prior clients, use the Microsoft Windows Add or Remove Programs utility to remove the existing MKS Toolkit before you install the Version 11.7 client tier. After you install Version 11.7, both the prior versions and Version 11.7 will use the latest MKS Toolkit, which is installed along with the client tier.
Note: If you want to install the Version 11.7 client tier along with a Version 11.7 engine or services tier on the same Microsoft Windows computer, you cannot have any additional client installations on the computer. You can install only one Version 11.7 client on the computer. In addition, you must install the client tier and the engine tier in the same installation directory.
  1. Log on to the Windows computer as an administrator.
  2. Turn off any firewall software that is installed on the computer.
  3. Optional: Turn off antivirus software.
  4. Go to the root directory on the InfoSphere Information Server Version 11.7 installation media or downloaded installation image.
  5. Double-click setup.exe and run the file as an administrator.
  6. When asked for an installation directory, select New Installation and specify a directory that does not contain an existing InfoSphere Information Server client.
  7. Select the product modules and components as required.