Tree panel

The tree panel shows the table definitions in the IBM® InfoSphere® DataStage® repository. You can import a table definition from the database that you want to query.

You can import the table definition by using the Designer client, or you can do it directly from the shortcut menu in the tree panel. You can also manually define a table definition from within the SQL builder by selecting New Table... from the tree panel shortcut menu.

To select a table to query, select it in the tree panel and drag it to the table selection canvas. A window appears in the canvas representing the table and listing all its individual columns.

A shortcut menu allows you to:

  • Refresh the repository view
  • Define a new table definition (the Table Definition dialog box opens)
  • Import metadata directly from a data source (a sub menu offers a list of source types)
  • Copy a table definition (you can paste it in the table selection canvas)
  • View the properties of the table definition (the Table Definition dialog box opens)

You can also view the properties of a table definition by double-clicking on it in the repository tree.