By default, IBM®
DataStage® writes
data to an Informix® table using an SQL INSERT, DELETE,
or UPDATE statement that it constructs.
About this task
The generated SQL statement is automatically
constructed using the InfoSphere
DataStage table
and column definitions that you specify in the input properties for
this stage. The Generated tab on the SQL tab
displays the SQL statement used to write the data.
use a generated statement:
- Enter a table name in Table name on
the General tab on the Input page.
- Specify how you want the data to be written
by choosing an option from the Update action drop-down list
- Refer Defining Informix CLI Input Data for
a description of the update actions.
- Enter an optional description of the input
link in the Description field.
- Click the Columns tab
on the Input page.
- Edit the Columns grid to specify column definitions
for the columns you want to write.
SQL statement is automatically constructed using your chosen update
action and the columns you have specified. You can now optionally
view this SQL statement.
- Click the SQL tab
on the Input page, then the Generated tab
to view this SQL statement. You cannot edit the statement here, but
you can access this tab at any time to select and copy parts of the
generated statement to paste into the user-defined SQL statement.
- Click OK to close
this dialog box. Changes are saved when you save your job design.