Silently installing and uninstalling the Pack

You can choose to silently install or uninstall the Pack rather than using the standard procedure. Use the following information to run a silent installation or uninstallation of the Pack.

Use the following procedure to create a response file. You use this file to silently uninstall the Pack.

  1. From the command prompt, go to either the client or server directory on the CD.
  2. Type the following command to run a graphical installation program and record your responses to options_file.txt:

    install.exe -options-record options_file.txt

    where options_file.txt is the full path and name of a file on your hard drive.

  3. For server installations only, edit the following line in the response file to set your password:

    -V password=password

  4. Save the response file.

Running a silent installation

  1. From the command prompt, go to either the client or server directory on the CD.
  2. Type the following command:

    install.exe -options options_file.txt -silent

Silently uninstalling

Use the response file that you created during installation to silently uninstall the Pack.

  1. Go to the DSCLIENTDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.

    The default directory for DSCLIENTDIR is C:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\Classic.

  2. Type the following command:

    uninstaller.exe -options options_file.txt -silent

To silently uninstall the Pack server components from a Windows system:

  1. Go to the DSSERVERDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.

    The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server.

  2. Type the following command:

    uninstaller.exe -options options_file.txt -silent

  3. If the InfoSphere® Information Server services tier is installed on a different computer from the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier, use the following steps to uninstall the Pack documentation:
    1. On the computer where the services tier is installed, go to the DSSERVERDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.

      The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is C:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBServer.

    2. Type the following command:

      uninstaller.exe -options options_file.txt -silent

To silently uninstall the Pack server components from a Linux® or UNIX system:

  1. Go to the DSSERVERDIR/_uninst/eapacks/sapbw directory.

    The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server.

  2. Type the following command:

    uninstaller.bin -options options_file.txt -silent

  3. If the InfoSphere Information Server services tier is installed on a different computer from the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier, use the following steps to uninstall the Pack documentation:
    1. On the computer where the services tier is installed, go to the DSSERVERDIR/_uninst/eapacks/sapbw directory.

      The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer.

    2. Type the following command:

      uninstaller.bin -options options_file.txt -silent