Silently installing and uninstalling the Pack
You can choose to silently install or uninstall the Pack rather than using the standard procedure. Use the following information to run a silent installation or uninstallation of the Pack.
Use the following procedure to create a response file. You use this file to silently uninstall the Pack.
- From the command prompt, go to either the client or server directory on the CD.
- Type the following command to run a graphical installation program
and record your responses to options_file.txt:
install.exe -options-record options_file.txt
where options_file.txt is the full path and name of a file on your hard drive.
- For server installations only, edit the following line in the
response file to set your password:
-V password=password
- Save the response file.
Running a silent installation
- From the command prompt, go to either the client or server directory on the CD.
- Type the following command:
install.exe -options options_file.txt -silent
Silently uninstalling
Use the response file that you created during installation to silently uninstall the Pack.
- Go to the DSCLIENTDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.
The default directory for DSCLIENTDIR is C:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\Classic.
- Type the following command:
uninstaller.exe -options options_file.txt -silent
To silently uninstall the Pack server components from a Windows system:
- Go to the DSSERVERDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.
The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server.
- Type the following command:
uninstaller.exe -options options_file.txt -silent
- If the InfoSphere® Information Server services
tier is installed on a different computer from the InfoSphere Information Server engine
tier, use the following steps to uninstall the Pack documentation:
- On the computer where the services tier is installed, go to the DSSERVERDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.
The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is C:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBServer.
- Type the following command:
uninstaller.exe -options options_file.txt -silent
- On the computer where the services tier is installed, go to the DSSERVERDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.
To silently uninstall the Pack server components from a Linux® or UNIX system:
- Go to the DSSERVERDIR/_uninst/eapacks/sapbw directory.
The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server.
- Type the following command:
uninstaller.bin -options options_file.txt -silent
- If the InfoSphere Information Server services
tier is installed on a different computer from the InfoSphere Information Server engine
tier, use the following steps to uninstall the Pack documentation:
- On the computer where the services tier is installed, go to the DSSERVERDIR/_uninst/eapacks/sapbw directory.
The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer.
- Type the following command:
uninstaller.bin -options options_file.txt -silent
- On the computer where the services tier is installed, go to the DSSERVERDIR/_uninst/eapacks/sapbw directory.