Installing and uninstalling the Pack

Use the following information to install and uninstall the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server Pack for SAP BW.

The Pack provides three installation methods:
  • A graphical interface installation program for Microsoft Windows systems
  • An interactive console mode
  • Silent installation
Note: Before installing an IBM InfoSphere Information Server product, close any other programs that are running on your computer. These other programs might cause installation errors.

To install the Pack server components on a Windows system:

  1. Load the CD on your server system.
  2. Go to the server directory on the CD and double-click the install.exe file.
    Note: To install in console mode, type the install.exe -console command.
  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
  4. If the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier and the InfoSphere Information Server services tier are installed on separate computers, run the Pack server installation program on each computer.
  5. Restart IBM WebSphere® Application Server on the computer where the services tier is installed. For information about restarting WebSphere Application Server, go to
  6. Add full access privileges to the following directories for all users that run InfoSphere DataStage® jobs, where install_directory is the directory where you installed InfoSphere Information Server:



    install_directory/Server/Projects/your project directory

To install the Pack server components on Linux® or UNIX systems:

  1. Load the CD on your server system. If necessary, mount the drive.
  2. Log in as the root user.
  3. Go to the server directory on the CD.
    To install in an XWindow environment
    Type the ./install.bin command.
    To install in console mode
    Type the ./install.bin -console command.
    Note: On AIX® systems, installing in console mode generates a warning message about an invalid size 0 file, but the Pack installs successfully.
    Note: On Linux systems, installing in console mode might generate the following warning message if "rpm-build" package is not installed on the system. This package is required by the InstallShield Multiplatform (ISMP) to properly register products with the RPM database.
    The installer could not successfully add the product information into the RPM database. Installation will continue as this is not critical to the installation of the product.
  4. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
  5. If the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier and the InfoSphere Information Server services tier are installed on separate computers, run the Pack server installation program on each computer.
  6. Restart WebSphere Application Server on the computer where the services tier is installed.
  7. Add full access privileges to the following directories for all users that run InfoSphere DataStage jobs, where install_directory is the directory where you installed InfoSphere Information Server:



    install_directory/Server/Projects/your project directory

To install the Pack client component:

  1. Load the CD on your InfoSphere DataStage client system.
  2. Go to the client directory on the CD and double-click the install.exe file.
    Note: To install in console mode, type the install.exe -console command.
  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard.

Uninstalling the Pack

Use these procedures to uninstall the Pack from a computer. You do not need to uninstall the Pack to upgrade to a newer version of the Pack.

To uninstall the Pack client component:

  1. Go to the DSCLIENTDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.

    The default directory for DSCLIENTDIR is C:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\Classic.

  2. Type the uninstaller.exe command.
    Note: To uninstall in console mode, type the uninstaller.exe -console command.

To uninstall the Pack server components from a Windows server:

  1. Go to the DSSERVERDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.

    The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server.

  2. Type the uninstaller.exe command.
    Note: To uninstall in console mode, type the uninstaller.exe -console command.
  3. If the InfoSphere Information Server services tier is installed on a different computer from the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier, use the following steps to uninstall the Pack documentation:
    1. On the computer where the services tier is installed, go to the DSSERVERDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.

      The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is C:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBServer.

    2. Type the uninstaller.exe command.
      Note: To uninstall in console mode, type the uninstaller.exe -console command.

To uninstall the Pack server components from a Linux or UNIX server:

  1. Go to the DSSERVERDIR/_uninst/eapacks/sapbw directory.

    The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server.

  2. Type the uninstaller.bin command.
    Note: To uninstall in console mode, type the uninstaller.bin -console command.
  3. If the InfoSphere Information Server services tier is installed on a different computer from the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier, use the following steps to uninstall the Pack documentation:
    1. On the computer where the services tier is installed, go to the DSSERVERDIR\_uninst\eapacks\sapbw directory.

      The default directory for DSSERVERDIR is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer.

    2. Type the uninstaller.bin command.
      Note: To uninstall in console mode, type the uninstaller.bin -console command.