Updating the database properties URL with the alternate host and port for Db2 clustering
To update the URL with cluster connection information for your metadata repository database, you specify the values in the database.properties file located on the services tier computer and run the iisAdmin -deploy command to deploy the changes.
- On the services tier computer, back up the database.properties file
that is used by the application server, and open it in a text editor.
The file to back up and edit is located in one of the following directories:
- For IBM®
WebSphere® Application Server Liberty Profile:
- AIX Linux
- IS_install_path/ASBServer/apps/lib/iis/15properties
- Windows
- IS_install_path\ASBServer\apps\lib\iis\15properties
- For IBM
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment:
- AIX Linux
- IS_install_path/ASBServer/apps/lib/iis/classes
- Windows
- IS_install_path\ASBServer\apps\lib\iis\classes
- For IBM®
WebSphere® Application Server Liberty Profile:
- In the file, locate the
keyword and change the values of the alternate host name and port to match the values of the alternate metadata repository host.Enter the following on one line. The → symbol indicates a line continuation.url=jdbc\:db2\://host\:port/dbname;→ clientRerouteAlternateServerName\=alternate_host;→ clientRerouteAlternatePortNumber\=alternate_host_port;→ queryCloseImplicit\=2;
- On the services tier computer, back up the
following file and copy the file that you changed in step 2 to this
one, overwriting it.
- AIX Linux
- IS_install_path/ASBServer/conf/database.properties
- Windows
- IS_install_path\ASBServer\conf\database.properties
- Propagate the changes throughout the application
server by entering one of the following commands.
- For WebSphere Application Server Liberty
- AIX Linux
IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin/iisAdmin.sh -deploy -srcDir IS_install_path/ASBServer/apps/lib/iis/15properties -libName iis -libModule 15properties
- Windows
IS_install_path/ASBServer\bin\iisAdmin.bat -deploy -srcDir IS_install_path\ASBServer\apps\lib\iis\15properties -libName iis -libModule 15properties
- For WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment stand-alone configuration:
- AIX Linux
IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin/iisAdmin.sh -deploy -srcDir IS_install_path/ASBServer/apps/lib/iis/classes -libName iis -libModule classes -user wasadmin -password wasadmin_password
- Windows
IS_install_path/ASBServer\bin\iisAdmin.bat -deploy -srcDir IS_install_path\ASBServer\apps\lib\iis\classes -libName iis -libModule classes -user wasadmin -password wasadmin_password
- For WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment clustered configuration:
- AIX Linux
IS_install_path/ASBServer/bin/iisAdmin.sh -deploy -srcDir IS_install_path/ASBServer/apps/lib/iis/classes -libName iis -libModule classes -user wasadmin -password wasadmin_password -cluster cluster_name
- Windows
IS_install_path/ASBServer\bin\iisAdmin.bat -deploy -srcDir IS_install_path\ASBServer\apps\lib\iis\classes -libName iis -libModule classes -user wasadmin -password wasadmin_password -cluster cluster_name
- For WebSphere Application Server Liberty
- Restart the application server.
Application server configuration Procedure Stand-alone or
Liberty ProfileRestart WebSphere Application Server Clustered Restart the WebSphere Application Server cluster members