Hive connector messages
This message reference includes the messages that are returned by the Hive connector.
You must be familiar with the functions of the operating system where the Hive connector is installed. You can use the information in this message reference to identify an error or warning and resolve the problem by using the appropriate recovery action. You can also use this information to understand where the messages are generated and logged.
The connector generates messages reported by the Hive driver as well as messages that it generates internally in relation to the environment configuration and general connector usage.
Each message has a message identifier that consists of a prefix (IIS) and a message number. Messages are listed in numeric sequence based upon the message number. There are three message types: Error, Warning, and Informational. Message identifiers ending with an E are error messages. Those ending with a W indicate warning. Messages ending in an I indicates informational messages.
The connector failed to connect to the data source. The reported error is: error_text - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00002E
The connector failed to prepare the specified connection attributes. The reported error is: error_info - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00003E
The connection URL string value is missing. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00004E
The connector failed to locate a suitable driver for the specified URL value. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00005E
The connector failed to initialize the class loader for the specified classpath: classpath. The error is: error_info - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00006E
The connector entered an invalid execution state. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00007E
The program variable variable_name has a null value, which is not valid in the current context. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00008E
The program variable variable_name has the value variable_value which is not valid in the current context. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00009E
The connector failed to execute the statement: statement_text. The reported errors are: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00010E
The column column_name on the link is not referenced by any of the statements performed by the stage. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00011E
The connector received an error from the driver. The reported error is: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00012E
The connector failed to access the specified file: file_path. The reported error is: error_info - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00013E
The specified file: file_path must contain a single statement but is either empty or contains multiple statements. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00017E
The driver configuration file file_name could not be found. This file is a prerequisite for the use of the connector. Refer to the connector documentation for instructions about how to create and configure this file. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00018E
The connector failed to access the driver configuration file file_name. The reported error is: error_info - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00019E
The connector failed to add missing columns to the output link. The reported error is: error_info - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00020E
The specified character set name charset is not supported. The reported error is: error_info - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00021E
The connector detected character set conversion error for the non-Unicode link column column_name. The fetched value could not be converted to character set charset. The reported error is: error_info - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00022E
The connector detected character data truncation for the link column column_name. The length of the value is value_length and the length of the column is column_length. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00023E
The connector detected decimal data truncation for the link column column_name. The precision and the scale of the fetched value are value_precision and value_scale and the precision and the scale in the link column definition are column_precision and column_scale. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00024E
The specified file file_path must contain a statement but is empty. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00025E
The following Before SQL statement failed: statement_text. The reported error is: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00026E
The following Before SQL (node) statement failed: statement_text. The reported error is: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00027E
The following After SQL (node) statement failed: statement_text. The reported error is: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00028E
The following After SQL statement failed: statement_text. The reported error is: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00030E
The following table action statement failed: statement_text. The reported error is error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00031E
The connector failed to prepare the statement: statement_text. The reported error is: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00032E
The bind parameter parameter_name does not have a matching column on the input link. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00033E
The connector detected a character set conversion error for the non-Unicode link column column_name. The link column value could not be converted from charset character set to Unicode string. The reported error is: error_info - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00034E
The program argument argument_name of the method class_name.method_name has a null value, which is not valid in the current context. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00035E
The program argument argument_name of the method class_name.method_name has the value argument_value which is not valid in the current context. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00036E
The number of question mark characters that represent bind parameters in the statement exceeded the number of input link columns, which is link_column_count. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00037E
The connector detected binary data truncation for the link column column_name. The length of the value is value_length and the length of the column is column_length. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00039E
The connector encountered an internal error while executing bulk metadata import. The reported error is: error_info - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00040E
The key column column_name from the reference link is not present on the input link. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00041E
The connector could not generate the SELECT statement for the view data operation because a table name is not specified. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00042E
The connector could not complete the view data operation because a Select statement is not specified. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00045E
The connector could not find any partitions for the specified table table_name. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00046E
The connector could not find the partition key partition_key_name for the specified table table_name. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00047E
The statement has references to multiple partition keys, but only a single partition key is permitted. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00048E
The statement does not have a partition key or there is no proper placeholder by using which the partition key can be determined. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-00049E
The following statement to set the Hive Parameter(s) failed: statement_text. The reported error is: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-20001W
The connector failed to disconnect from the data source. The reported error is: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-20002W
The link column column_name is defined as ds_data_type and the respective column in the Hive data source is defined as hive_data_type. To match the data source column definition the link column should be defined as preferred_ds_data_type. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-20003W
The column column_name in the data source result set does not have a matching column in the output link schema for the connector. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-20004W
The specified table table_name does not have any partition values. The job would proceed further with enablePartitions as No. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30001I
The connector loaded the driver class: driver_class - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30002I
The driver version is: major_version.minor_version - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30003I
The connector established connection to the data source. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30004I
The connector encountered a Java exception: stack_trace - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30005I
The connector could not obtain the Hive driver meta data information. The reported error is: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30006I
The connector could not obtain the Hive data source metadata information. The reported error is: error_info. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30007I
The driver name and version are: driver_name driver_version - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30008I
The data source name and version are: data_source_name data_source_version (major_version.minor_version) - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30009I
The Hive driver version is: major_version.minor_version - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30010I
The connector will run the following statement on the data source: statement_text - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30011I
The connector changed the batch size from original_batch_size to modified_batch_size because the specified record count value record_count must be a multiple of the batch size value. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30012I
The connector was configured to run on node_count processing nodes but partitioned reads were not enabled for the stage. The connector will enforce sequential execution for the stage. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30018I
The fetch size is set to fetch_size. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30019I
The connector could not determine the value for the fetch size. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30020I
Number of rows fetched on the current node: number_of_rows. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30021I
The character set encoding for the non-Unicode character values on the link is charset. The maximum number of bytes per character in this encoding is max_bytes. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30022I
The connector ran the specified Before SQL statement. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30023I
The connector ran the specified Before SQL (node) statement. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30024I
The connector ran the specified After SQL (node) statement. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30025I
The connector ran the specified After SQL statement. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30026I
The file that is specified in the Before SQL statement property does not contain an SQL statement. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30027I
The file that is specified in the Before SQL (node) statement property does not contain an SQL statement. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30028I
The file that is in the After SQL (node) statement property does not contain an SQL statement. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30029I
The file that is in the After SQL statement property does not contain an SQL statement. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30030I
The connector generated the following statement_type statement at run time: statement_text. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30031I
The connector ran the statement_type statement: statement_text. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30032I
The connector created the table table_name. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30033I
The connector dropped the table table_name. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30034I
The connector truncated the table table_name. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30035I
The connector will ignore the column column_name on the link because it is not referenced by any of the statements performed by the stage. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30037I
Number of rows inserted on the current node: number_of_rows. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30042I
The driver could not determine the number of rows inserted on the current node. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30045I
Number of records processed by the lookup statement on the current node: number_of_records. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30046I
The connector changed the batch size from original_batch_size to 1 to ensure proper record processing based on the specified record ordering for the stage. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30049I
The connector is configured to run the following Before SQL statement: statement_text - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30050I
The connector is configured to run the following After SQL statement: statement_text - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30051I
The connector is configured to run the following Before SQL (node) statement on the current processing node: statement_text - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30052I
The connector is configured to run the following After SQL (node) statement on the current processing node: statement_text - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30055I
The connector closed the connection to the data source. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30056I
The connector changed the batch size from original_batch_size to 1 because the Fail on row error property was set to No. - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30057I
The connector is configured to run the following statement to set the HIVE parameter(s): statement_text - IIS-CONN-HIVE-30058I
The connector ran the specified statement to set the Hive parameter.