Default and preconfigured users

In addition to users that you create, several default or preconfigured users are created by you or for you during the installation process.

Accounts must be created for the administrator users for IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server and IBM WebSphere® Application Server. These users are typically called "isadmin" and "wasadmin." You can choose to create them during installation. The accounts must be created in the user registry that is used by WebSphere Application Server.

Table 1. Services tier users
Sample user name Description
isadmin InfoSphere Information Server administrator
wasadmin WebSphere Application Server administrator and InfoSphere Information Server administrator

Linux cue graphicUNIX cue graphicThere must be at least one user account for the engine. This user ID is typically called "dsadm." You can choose to create this account during installation. It must be created in the user registry that is used by the engine. This user registry can be the local operating system user registry. Alternatively, the user registry can be an external user registry. This external user registry must be configured through Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM). PAM must run on the operating system of the computer that is hosting the engine.

Table 2. Engine tier users
Sample user name Description
dsadm IBM InfoSphere DataStage® administrator
The following users must be local operating system users where the metadata repository tier is installed. You can choose to create these accounts during installation:
  • All installations must have an owner for the metadata repository database within the database management system. This account is typically called xmeta.
  • IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer installations must have an owner for the information analysis database within the database management system. This account is typically called "iauser."
  • If you use IBM Db2® for the metadata repository:
    • You must have a Db2 instance owner. This user is the owner of the Db2 database management system. This user is typically called db2admin in Microsoft Windows installations, and db2inst1 in Linux® and UNIX installations. The db2inst1 user is a non-fenced user.
    • Linux cue graphicUNIX cue graphicYou must have a fenced user. This user is typically called db2fenc1.
Table 3. Additional users
Sample user name (Windows) Sample user name (Linux, UNIX) Description
xmeta xmeta Metadata repository database owner
iauser iauser Information analysis database owner
db2admin db2inst1 Db2 instance owner (when Db2 is used to host the metadata repository database or analysis database)
N/A db2fenc1 Db2 fenced user (when Db2 is used to host the metadata repository database or analysis database)