Generating the repository connection file for the exceptions database on Linux® or UNIX

The repository connection file for the exceptions database is used by the engine tier to connect to the exceptions database.


  1. On the computer that hosts the engine tier, switch to the /InformationServer/Server/ESDB directory.
  2. Run the RegistrationCommand tool to generate a new repository connection file for the exceptions database:
    ../../ASBNode/bin/ -user isadmin -password pswd -gcf
        -rp ESDB -cf ESDBConnect.tmpl
        -res ESDBConnect.cfg
    • isadmin is the Information Server admin user.
    • pswd is the password for the isadmin user.
    Note: If you do not have permission to create the ESDBConnect.cfg file, the RegistrationCommand tool creates an invalid argument error. Ensure that you have permissions to create the ESDBConnect.cfg file.
    The configuration file, ESDBConnect.cfg, is created in the /InformationServer/Server/ESDB directory.