InfoSphere FastTrack tasks

You can use InfoSphere® FastTrack to automate the workflow of data integration projects by maximizing team collaboration, facilitating automation, and ensuring that projects are completed successfully and on time.

Your organization can use InfoSphere FastTrack to complete the following tasks:

Create mapping specifications for business requirements
By capturing and defining business requirements in a common format, you can streamline collaboration between business analysts, data modelers, and data integration specialists.

You can import mapping specifications in to InfoSphere FastTrack from existing spreadsheets or other CSV files. These mapping specifications show the relationship between source data and business requirements. You can annotate column mappings with business rules and transformation logic, and then export the mapping specification to the metadata repository so that it is accessible by other team members.

Discover and map relationships between data sources
By creating customized discovery algorithms, you can find exact, partial, and lexical matches on corresponding column names across source-to-target mappings.

As part of the mapping process, you can create new business terms by using InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog, and then document relationships to corresponding physical columns. You can then publish these relationships to the InfoSphere Information Server metadata repository so that they can be shared across your teams.

Generate jobs from mapping specifications
Business analysts can take the business logic from one or more mapping specifications and transform them into an InfoSphere DataStage® and QualityStage® job.

The generated job includes all transformation rules that the business analyst created so that the business logic is captured automatically, without intervention from the data integration specialist. Any annotations and instructions that the business analyst creates are also included in the generated job.