Recovering projects by using the SyncProject tool

After a failover, you can run the SyncProject tool to repair inconsistencies in your engine tier project information.

About this task

After a failure, the runtime engine tier information for a project can be left out of step with the repository that holds the design-time assets (XMETA). You can run the SyncProject tool to check for inconsistencies, repair inconsistencies if any are detected, and bring the engine tier information back into step with the design-time information. The tool does not fix inconsistencies or issues in the design time repository (XMETA).


Run the SyncProject tool to analyze and recover projects.


The following example command displays a consistency report for all projects. The SyncProject tool also writes the report to the /tmp/myprojrep.txt file.
SyncProject -ISHost R101:9080 -ISUser admin -ISPassword pword -project 
-report /tmp/myprojrep.txt
In this case, the SyncProject tool returns results for four projects. It finds two inconsistencies in the project named dstage9, as shown in the following example.
DSEngine Restorer Report
Feb 05, 2009 9:39:00 AM
IS Host = R101
IS Port = 9080
IS User = admin
DS Host = R101
DS Port = 31538
DataStage Project: dstage3
0 Issues Found.
DataStage Project: dstage4
0 Issues Found.
DataStage Project: dstage5
0 Issues Found.
DataStage Project = dstage9
2 Issues Found.
DS Engine Job 'testJob' is missing.
DS Engine Job 'testJob2' category 'incorrectCategory' should be 'correctCategory'
Overall Summary
2 Issues found.
The following command causes the SyncProject tool to try to fix the dstage9 project.
SyncProject -ISFile islogin -project dstage9 -Fix
The command makes the necessary repairs and outputs the following report:
DSEngine Restorer Fix Results
Feb 05, 2009 9:39:00 AM
IS Host = R101
IS Port = 9080
IS User = admin
DS Host = R101
DS Port = 31538
DataStage Project: dstage9
RESOLVED: DS Engine Job 'testJob' is missing.
RESOLVED: DS Engine Job 'testJob2' category 'incorrectCategory' should be 'correctCategory'.
2 Issues resolved.
0 Issues remaining.
Overall Summary
2 Issues resolved.
0 Issues remaining.