Identifying and restarting crashed jobs

After the DSHARestart tool finishes, restart jobs by using the dsjob tool.

About this task

After the DSHARestart tool finishes, recovered job sequences are left in one of two states:
  • Crashed/Restartable. You can run these job sequences from where they stopped, or reset and run them.
  • Crashed. You must reset these jobs before you can run them.


Use any of the following tools to identify jobs that are in a crashed/restartable or crashed state.
The dsjob tool
To use the dsjob tool:
  1. Log in to the computer that hosts the engine tier. Use an account with administrator or IBM® InfoSphere® DataStage® user privileges.
  2. Change to the directory that contains the dsenv file. This directory is specified in the $DSHOME environment variable. By default, the directory is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine.
  3. Source the dsenv file:
    . dsenv
  4. Run the dsjob tool. Specify the -status option with a value of 96.
    dsjob –ljobs –status 96 project
  5. To restart checkpointed job sequences that are in the crashed/restartable state, specify the -mode option with a value of RESTART, and specify the job sequence.
    dsjob –run –mode RESTART project jobsequence  
The IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage® Director client
To use the InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Director client, start the client and view jobs. Look for jobs where the Status column reads Crashed or Crashed/Restartable.
The C or DSBasic Job Control API DSRunJob function.
For information about the C or DSBasic Job Control API DSRunJob function, see the IBM InfoSphere DataStage documentation.

What to do next

After you identify and restart crashed jobs, investigate and resolve the cause of the primary server failure.