Example: Relocating the exceptions database

In this scenario, you want to relocate an exceptions database (ESDB) to a different computer. Perhaps you have just acquired a computer with more resources and want move the database to the new server, using a different host name.

About this task

This scenario assumes that you are relocating the repository from one computer to another and you are using the same services tier to manage repository registration in the same metadata repository. In this example, the names of the computers are different, but the credentials and database properties remain the same. It is also assumed that you have already relocated the physical database, including the data, to the new computer using standard backup and restore operations. In addition, it is assumed that this repository is the only schema in the database. If there are additional repositories in the database, repeat the process for each repository. The following process describes the steps that are necessary to update the registration of the relocated repository.
Note: If this repository schema is located in the metadata repository database and you are relocating the metadata repository database itself, you would instead follow the procedures under Changing the metadata repository database host name and port.


  1. Log into the services tier computer.
  2. If you do not know the name of the existing repository, first list the repositories:
    For example:
    cd \IBM\InformationServer\ASBServer\bin
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -listRepositories
  3. Create a repository properties file to use as a template by displaying the properties and redirecting the output to a file. You need a properties file in subsequent steps to register the new repository.
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -displayRepository -rn ESDB -res ESDB.properties

    Example contents of the ESDB.properties file:

    Repository.description=Exception Stage repository
  4. Edit the ESDB.properties file with the values to use for the new computer. In this example, only the host name is changed. If you have also renamed the database or repository, change those values as well.
    If the database is not configured for high availability, remove the connection URL property. The tool can derive the URL from other properties in the file.
    Repository.description=Exception Stage repository.
  5. Unregister the existing repository.
    Because your new repository will have the same name as the existing registered repository, you must first unregister the existing repository. Repository names must be unique.
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -unregisterRepository -rn ESDB
  6. Register the new server, database, and repository by using the edited properties file.
    For this step, you need only register the repository. When you register a repository with the RepositoryAdmin tool, if the server and database have not yet been registered, they will be registered during the same operation.
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -registerRepository -pf ESDB.properties
  7. On each engine tier, update the connection configuration file with the connection information for the new repository. Run the RegistrationCommand tool from the directory that corresponds to the repository as in the following example:
    cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/ESDB
    ../../ASBNode/bin/RegistrationCommand.sh -get_config
    -authfile isadmin.credentials -rp ESDB -cf ESDBConnect.tmpl
    -res ESDBConnect.cfg

    With the -cf option, the connection details for the repository that correspond to the parameters in the configuration template file (.tmpl file) replace the variable names in the template, and the result is written to the output file (.cfg file). The following parameters will be replaced if values for them are found: @DBTYPE@, @DRIVER_CLASS@, @DRIVER_JARFILES@, @CONNECTION_URL@, @DATABASE_USER@, @PASSWORD@.

  8. From the services tier, test the connection to the new repository.
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -testRepositoryConnection -rn ESDB -cn ESDB
  9. Repeat the procedure for each repository that you want to relocate.
    If you are migrating all of your repositories from one or more databases to others or from one or more servers to others, unregister the original databases or servers, and drop the original databases. Use caution, though, because when you unregister a database, it unregisters all repositories in the database. Likewise, when you unregister a server, it unregisters all databases on the server. For example, the following command will unregister server1 and all databases and repositories on that server; therefore, you would want to first register all of your repositories on the new server before running the command.
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -unregisterDatabaseServer -dt Db2 -dv 10.5 -sh server1

    However, if you do unregister an old repository before registering the new one, it only means that you would need to create a properties file from scratch to register the new repository. Completing the unregistration process last means that you can first use the -displayRepository command option to create a template file to work with and save you some work, as described in this task.